Chapter Sixteen

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So, how do we like FighterWard? Isn't he swoon-worthy? Anyway, I hope you're enjoying the story ... What's up next?

Up next will be Edward moving into his new place, meeting up with Emmett and Jasper and dealing with the cold shoulder from Ms. Swan at the Labor Day Bull Dog Barbecue Bash at Casa de Swan.

What I own: An adorable approximation of my deceased furbaby from Cuddle Clones. They even got the snaggle tooth!

What I don't: Twilight

Chapter Sixteen

Edward was organizing his kitchen, getting settled into his new apartment. After he got the keys, he loaded up his SUV with his clothes, kitchen supplies and personal effects to decorate his place. After he got inside, he went grocery shopping to pick up healthy foods. Eating room service was not necessarily good for his workout regimen. He couldn't run as far or strength train because of the limitations that Carlisle had put on him for his head injury.

As he was putting the food away, his phone rang. Sliding his finger across the screen, he put it on speaker. "Hello?"

"Masen! It's Emmett! What are you doing?" Emmett bellowed.

"I'm organizing my new place and trying not to go batshit crazy," Edward snorted.

"You got a new place?" Emmett asked.

"Yeah, I signed the paperwork last week. I spent the past few days moving in and getting settled. The line at the DMV was killer," Edward laughed. "Do you want to come over? I'm trying to load up my fridge with healthy food and ..."

"Send me the address. Jasper and I will be there in a half hour," Emmett said. "Looking forward to it, man. Do you need anything? Never mind. We'll bring over some nosh. See you in a bit."

The phone call ended abruptly, leaving Edward flummoxed. Emmett was a very chatty guy, but his conversations flitted from one topic to the next. Shaking his head, Edward finished putting away his groceries and went around his place, picking up any random crap from the floor. Since it was so new, there was very little out of place.

He did light some candles around the place, since the apartment did smell like fresh paint. He was looking at his computer, checking his email and paying some bills. The intercom buzzed. Walking to the doorway, he saw Emmett and a blonde man standing in the doorway. Emmett waved goofily at the security camera, making Edward chuckle. He buzzed them in, leaving his door open.

A few moments later, Emmett, who was larger than life, entered the apartment, with a smaller man. "Edward, my man, awesome digs!" Emmett boomed. "Very rustic. Your décor?"

"No. I purchased a furnished place because I wanted to make sure that Seattle was a good fit for me," Edward replied. "Water? Soda?"

"Pssh, I'm not training today. I'm drinking beer," Emmett said, putting a six pack on the quartz countertop. The blonde put two pizza boxes on the counter. "Jasper, this is Edward Masen. Edward, this is my brother-in-law and best friend, Jasper Whitlock. He's also the attorney for the gym. The lawsuit he's bringing against Jacob Black is going to be sweet!"

"I swear, Em, you have no sense of tact," Jasper sighed, shaking his head. "You can't talk about it. Nondisclosure agreement, asshat." Looking at Edward, he held out his hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Edward. You're all the gym can talk about. Quite the buzz."

"Nice to meet you, too, Jasper. I promise to not say anything about the impending litigation against Jacob Black, though he deserves all the shit he gets," Edward snickered.

"Holy fuck, you're smart. I read that you graduated from Northwestern, but ..." Jasper squeaked.

Edward just grinned crookedly as he pulled out the bottle opener for Emmett, who was struggling and failing to open up his beer. "Thanks, Edward," Emmett replied, handing his new friend a beer.

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