Chapter Twenty-Five

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So, how do we like FighterWard? Isn't he swoon-worthy? Anyway, I hope you're enjoying the story ... What's up next?

Up next will be a jump in time. We'll have some more training for Edward and a growing friendship/relationship with Bella. Will she be helping him train? Leave me your thoughts.

What I own: A first degree burn on my ring finger from making dinner.

What I don't: Twilight

Chapter Twenty-Five

"Alright, Hells Bells," Rose said. "You've graduated from physical therapy and you're free to start working out again. Your leg is all good to go."

"Thank goodness I didn't need surgery," Bella grumbled, pulling on her sneakers. "I hate relying on people to help me out."

"That's because you're too stubborn accept any help, bitch," Rose laughed, tossing a clean towel at her friend as she laid her hand on her barely-there bump. "Though, you accepted Edward Masen's help. What's going on there?"

"We're rebuilding our friendship. I'm trying to prove to him that I'm not a flake like my mom," Bella frowned, shrugging her shoulders dejectedly. I'm also trying to prove it to myself that I'm capable of letting down my walls.

"You're not a flake. You were hurt by that douche-canoe, Jacob. And, don't get me started on that bitch ... your incubator," Rose argued with her lips pressed into a thin line. "Speaking of which, I heard some rumors about Jake, the snake. There may be trouble in paradise with his partnership with the Volturi."

"I don't want to hear it, Rosalie," Bella said, hopping off the table in the gym of Bull Dog. "He's no longer my concern. Now, I'm going to make sure that Emmett, Peter, and Wilson have their paperwork for the fight this weekend in Portland."

"Is Edward fighting?" Rose asked.

"He's still not up to his fighting weight," Bella replied. "He's got about ten pounds to go. My dad wants him to be at that weight solidly for a month before he's entered into a fight." She hugged her friend. "Thanks for your help, Rose. I'm going to get the paperwork done and finalize travel plans for the team."

"Who's going to train with Masen if your dad is going with Emmett and the boys?" Rose asked, waggling her brows.

"We'll see," Bella snorted, rolling her eyes. "Go check out your brother-in-law. Jasper looks like he took a shot to the face."

"Oh, hell," Rose grumbled. "What did you do, Jas?"

"Your husband used my face as a punching bag. That's what I did," Jasper replied, his voice sounding stuffy.

"Emmett McCarty Cullen, you outweigh Jasper by over seventy pounds. What the hell were you thinking?" Rose yelled at her husband, who was now in the ring with Peter.

"I can't help that Jasper's face got in the way of my fist?" Emmett snickered.

"Oh, for fuck's sake," Rose moaned, rolling her eyes while she dragged Jasper into a treatment room.

"Have fun," Bella sang, jogging up the stairs. She unlocked her office, sitting down at her desk. Working quickly, she got through her to-do list and put all the paperwork for upcoming fight in Portland. She put it into a leather portfolio, placing it on her desk.

Ducking into the private bathroom, she changed into some workout clothes. She'd missed exercising while she was gimpy from her broken leg. Her arms got a workout from using the crutches, but it wasn't the same. Swiping a bottle of water, a towel, and her phone, she went back down to the gym. Putting her Air Pods into her ears, she chose a treadmill and set the workout. She was listening to an audiobook, lost in a romantic comedy series based out of Chicago and knitting.

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