Harry Potter [Charlie X Reader]

Start from the beginning

Surprisingly, every Weasley loves them.

The parents had moved into the muggle world after the father had retired, but decided to up and move when two of their children, plus their wives and grandchildren, decided to move here for better job opportunities. Everyone else just followed because they really were a close knit family.

"It's why there's a cluster of homes rather than one large one," Fred says.

"The parents have their own home and the four eldest, who are all married off with children of their own, have their own place as well," George then adds in.

"And then there's YN, the only single one of the bunch, who has her own place too because she likes her privacy," Ginny muses. "I quite like her home most of all."


"Because she transformed one of the rooms into a meadow and has a branch of bowtruckles living with her. They're really quite adorable," Hermione tells him.

"Aren't they meant to be wild?"

"They are, but the ones she rescued have apparently formed a connection with her and refuse to leave."

Charlie chuckles and mentions he can't wait to meet the whole lot.

Flooing into your home, you moan and groan all the way to your bathroom as you peel off your clothes piece by piece

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Flooing into your home, you moan and groan all the way to your bathroom as you peel off your clothes piece by piece. You're so used to working in the middle of a battlefield, that now you're working inside a hospital you made the mistake of dropping your guard. And in dropping your guard, you made yourself vulnerable to a pureblood who discovered muggle narcotics and decided to go on a bender.

Being knocked upside the head with a metal food tray was not fun, nor was waking up minutes later only to be told you'd been knocked unconscious and were going to be left with a bruised face. Afterwards you'd managed to finish out your work day, counting your lucky stars that you had the next two days off.

You shower off the day's grime, forgoing any glamours, and dress in jean capris with a gray tank top beneath an opened flannel. Then before you put on shoes, you walk towards the third bedroom which you had transformed into a meadow of sorts. Checking on your branch of bowtruckles, you giggle as you spot them coming out from their favored places around the room upon your entrance.

Stepping down into the room, your footfalls are quieted by the soft moss covering the floor. Then walking up to the main tree, you hold out your hand out for the bowtruckle that holds out his spindly arms towards you.

"Hiya, sweetheart." The bowtruckle steps onto your hand and you readily raise him towards your shoulder. "Did you miss me?" You smile at the featherlight touches to the bruised side of your face, heart melting at the chirping he emits in worry. "I'm fine. It's okay. Just a little work mishap." You give him a moment to sate his curiosity and then gently scoop him back up to settle him back among his tree. Only he clutches to your fingers and refuses to let go. You sigh. "Fine. You can come," you mumble, "but you need to behave. We're going to the Weasley's."

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