Chapter 37 : Freaky Fiend

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Chapter 37 : Freaky Fiend


Walking behind everyone to the guys 'office' I shudder at what i'm gonna see if his working area is already this bad. V sits in front of him while Judy stands up and I just stay near the door.

"Went jittery as soon as I mentioned her name. Don't try gettin' out of this. I know you remember her" V says

"I..... I have a neurological condition! Not easy living with tics. Really, I'd love to help if I only knew who you were talking about" Fingers says

"Mox've got a low tolerance for scum like you. Right now, I'm the one thing standing between you and a particularly feisty and furious member of the gang. So tell me where Evelyn is or I'll let her talk to you" V says pointing at Judy then a smile goes to V's face as she looks at me and says "Or worse, I'll let her at ya" She says pointing at me as i raise my eyebrow.

"What could she possibly do that this one couldn't" He says looking at me and pointing at Judy

"Well, Last guy, She shortcuited his Optics, Pretty sure she can fry your neural system so if you wanna try be my guest" V says

"Poor girl..... Tried to help her, I did. But as you can see, this isn't exactly a state-of-the-art facility....." Fingers says motioning around him

"Mentioned you couldn't help her. Help her with what exactly?" V asks

"If I only knew, I wager she'd be standing here, happy and smiling. Instruction register on her chip was burnt to a crisp. Tried replacing it. Nothing" Fingers says

"Did you try copying the data over to a new chip? Those only use biometrics so you can put two in then remove the first broken one"

"No, I dont have the proper money for a second Behavioral Chip" Fingers says

"Enough of this bullshit!! What'd you do to her, You freak?!" Judy cries out lunging at the guy as he jumps back and hides behind his chair

"Now, either you put a muzzle on this... creature, or put her down. It's impossible to have a conversation with her around" Fingers states

"Don't talk to her like that" V says

"She insulted me!" Finger exclaims

"Hey not her fault your very insultable"

"Look, the quicker you spill, the shorter you'll have to put up with us. Now, Evelyn Parker. Where is she?" V asks again

"Could very well be on her way to becoming the next underground braindance darling! That's all I know" Fingers says while sitting down once again

"What do you mean by "underground"?" V asks

"I don't know. I mean, I don't watch that sort of stuff" Fingers says

"Snuff? XBDS?" Judy inquires

"I told you, I don't know!" Fingers exclaims

V asks "You're sure about this?" While standing up towering over Fingers which brings a smile to my face

"Four days I had her here. She was out cold, in la la land, for practically every minute. It wasn't a slumber party, we didn't have pillow rights and promise to send each other postcards" Fingers states while cowering slightly from V

"Where'll we find her?" V asks

"How many times do I have to repeat myself? I don't know... I did what anyone in my place would do. When I realized I wouldn't be able to help her, patch her up, I called my fixer. Two guys came and picked her up the same day" He pleads

"Who'd you call? Who's your fixer?"

"Wakako. Told her I had a busted doll with a BD implant to hand off" He says

"So, You basically sold her off to some Scavs"

Fingers says "I told you already I don't know. They weren't the talkative kind, and I'm no gonk. I know better than to ask questions of people like that" clearly agitated

"You're no gonk? What do you think, why do all these girls come here, let you grope around 'em? Think it's for your charm, your caring attitude? They do it 'cause they don't have any choice. And in the end, they despise you, they can smell you're pathetic" Judy yells at him

"These guys, what'd they look like?" V asks

"Like you, me, anyone else in this city!" He cries out

"Really now? They looked like you...?" V asks amused

"They looked like the kinda guys you don't make eye contact with. One of 'em was a bearded fellow, They were talking about Virtus, something about a moth!" He says

Judy slaps him and says "Need air, I'll be outside '' Nodding to VI follow Judy outside.

Following Judy she's leaning against the railing, "We'll find her ya know" I say as I lean backwards on the railing next to her.

"That's not my worry, I worry, We'll find her dead" She responds

"Eh, Unlikely, She's smart enough to plan a heist on Yorinobu let alone get close enough to him, She's also not low quality from what i hear, Wouldn't just rip her implants out too valuable" I reason with her, She glances at me and shakes her head but mumbles a quiet "Thanks" as V comes out from the hallway with blood on her Knuckles.

"Well at least we know we're lookin' for something related to the Death's Head. Better than nothing i guess" V says

"I don't get your optimism. Still sounds like a big fat nothing to me" Judy says

"Death's Head symbol bring anything to mind? Anything, doesn't matter how small" V asks her

"This industry........ I mean, market's lookin' for every kind of fetish out there. It's cavernous. But an XBD outfit would be on the move almost always" Judy says

"Need to figure out where they're scrollin' this stuff. Gotta be a rot-hole of some sort, doubt they do much shooting on location" V says

"Yeah, gotta be somewhere quiet, out of the way" Judy agrees

"Could be we'd see something to point us in their direction in one of their virtus" V says

"Have to be real gonks to leave a clue..." Judy mutters

"Everyone leaves something behind, they just need to know where to look. Lucky for me, I'm runnin' around with the best BD specialist in town and the best Netrunner. That's an an extra two sets of eyes" V says

"Well, your BD expert has a better idea, "Pleasures of Night City," a domain with its twin on the dark net. Every kind of thing goes on there. Might stumble on something useful" Judy says sighing

"I'll look for that, V look for a dealer or something, Judy, Get some rest, Circles under your eyes don't look the best on you"

"Rude" Judy huffs

Rolling my eyes i say "You know what i meant, Let's get to it call if you find anything V" I say walking away towards the nearest Terminal.

Elusive (Various Female Cyberpunk2077/Edgerunners x F!Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang