Chapter 10 : Lackadaisical Lizzie's

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Chapter 10 : Lackadaisical Lizzie's


Walking side by side with Rebecca towards the front entrance you spot Rita now guarding the door who gives you a wink and Rebecca a curious glance as you walk through the plastic curtain, And goto open the Office's door before being alerted by the girl behind the desk, You're not allowed back there, "But i am, Trust me" you shoot back which in turn makes her look at you like your a psycho and Rebecca glares at the women, You expand on your last statement by saying "Call Susie Q, She'll wanna see me i guarantee it, Tell her YN's here to see her" The Receptionist seemingly relents not before giving an eye roll as her eye go red and a few moments later the door opens and you just stroll on in with Rebecca in tow.

You simply sit on the red couch that lines the wall and gesture for Rebecca to do the same which she gladly does sitting directly next to you crossing one of her legs over the other, Seeing as you have at least a minute or two you decide to ask the question on your mind since you saw her today, "Soooo, Why such a big car for such a small girl?" She surprisingly smiled at that and explains "Easier to knock people off the road when needed, Better for Solo work" as she finishes Susie Q walks in with her signature scowl on her face, Sitting in her chair she swivels her chair to face both of you and rudely asks "What?" 

Crossing your leg over the other and resting your cheek on your hand as your elbow rests atop the newly crossed leg you look her in the eyes and simply state "Allow this one, Back into your 'Gang', Please"  

Susie just looks at you deadpan and declines which honestly surprises you.

"The Fuck Susie, I just saved a group of your girls out there and you still owe me some favors from when i saved your ass back in, What was it, 2073!" You exclaim

"Nah, Lost those favors when you dipped NC and left some Mox shit in your raided safehouse, Had to convince 'Saka we ain't know nothing, And while i thank you for saving them, You know that's not worth it for me, I want something else" she calmly explains while a smirk ghosts her face. 

"Fuckin' Hell Fine one Favor from me and you accept Rebecca back?" You question 

"Yep, Welcome back to the Mox's Rebecca, Same Rules as last time, Now you Skadattle gotta talk Biz with her now" She says 

"She can stay doubt it matters, Can guess what you want" You finish by giving her a lazy smirk 

"Yeah, Bet ya can, so let's get to it" She says 

That catches you off guard not expecting her to want it now of all times "You're joking right?"

"Nope" She Smugly responds 

You look at Rebecca who seems confused "Your lucky i like you, Better be grateful" You grumble

Looking back at Susie you ask "Wouldn't happen to have some Net running gear my size would ya? No Rig?"

"Definitely Not, Didn't even know you were back in town" 

"Fuck me… Tub Full of Ice?" 

"Tub Full of ice" She confirms 

Rebecca seems to understand it after that comment and asks "She wants you to netrun something for em" 

"Yep, She wants me to update their subnet and fix their breaches and holes"

"Why is that so bad to do right now?" She asks 

Susie Interjects with "Cause she's a prissy bitch who only likes NetRunning in that fancy gear they use instead o' Tubs full of ice water" 

Shooting her a glare you explain "She's right although, A tub full of ice is fucking dangerous, shit could melt and if could not properly regulate the temp, This also requires a deep disee ve not just some jack in,Eyes go blue and done shit, Gotta full on connect" 

"Shouldn't you be safe if it's just a deep dive into their subnet?" Rebecca asks 

"Theoretically, But the Mox have enemies, Mostly Tyger Claws who coulda trapped it if they made it in, Which i'm sure they did since Susie here refuses to pay for any type or security or anything of that matter" 

"Oh, Makes Sense" she calmly states and seemingly gets lost in thought as she stares at the ground in front of her. 

"Can i just do it from home Susie please???" 

"Nope, How will i know you'll even do it or honor your word could just ghost town again"

"What if I leave Rebecca here as Collateral and come back when done?"

"Nope, Don't even know if you give a shit bout' her" She states once again smugly 

"How could I not?!? Look at her" you say standing up "She's Small, Cute and Annoying, All three are very good qualities" Susie seemingly not affected by that rebuttal states "Still a no from me" 

"Son of a bitch" You mutter 

"Fine, Get your goons to set it up and let me know when your ready i'm gonna get a drink your free to join me Rebecca" you state before standing up and walking out the door past another set of plastic curtains, Hearing the nice tempo of music here you can't help but smile, Going up to the bar you order a Centzon, Your Usual, Before you see Rebecca sit on the stool next to you.

"Why do you hate the Ice Tub method?" She Questions 

"I don't really know, Call me old school or somethin' Just feels weird sittin naked in a tub while basically unconscious with people in the room, Guess it makes me feel Vulnerable" Sipping your drink as your eyes travel to Rebecca you catch her already looking at you with a determined look on her face "Well, I'll make sure nothing happens to you YN, And Thank you for getting me back into the good graces of the Mox's" 

Chuckling you respond with "No Problem, Don't gotta make sure nothing bad happens here, Mox's are cool won't try anything, The Vulnerability just makes me feel off even if I know i can trust everyone around me. Don't do my best work in tubs for that reason too"

Finishing your drink a Mox comes up to you to tell you it's ready and it just requires your presence

"Welp, Here we go"

Thanks for 1000 Reads

(Major Spoilers)

I know Rebecca seems out of character but i feel like shed be more calm and level-headed if she made it

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