Author Note

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Hey all!

I truly doubt more than 3 people will probably ever see this but if you did get this far i wanna truly thank you!

I want to truly thank every one who even read a single chapter (even tho they will not see this at all)

This was kinda my first attempt at writing and i know it's not good and that's ok. I actually dislike it very much i have 0 motivation to do the ending because of that so i simply won't.

I also think i wanted too much for my first book, I chose like 8 romance options? It's a lil much.

However, what i will do is use this book as a stepping stone and learning experience to further improve my writing ability and everything that surronds it. I would love constructive critisim if any of you are willing.

With all that said, I once again want to thank you all! I also hope you all will join me in my next Cyberpunk story it likely will be a more mainstreamed 1 on 1 romance focused book from the perspective of V however i will likely swap "V" for "Y/N"

I'll take any ideas into consideration but i have a few already swirling in my mind, Most involve "So Mi" or "Songbird" from the Cyberpunk DLC.

Well thats all, Till the next one ig, Hope you all have a wonderful day and stay safe.

Elusive (Various Female Cyberpunk2077/Edgerunners x F!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now