Chapter 31 : Panam's Problem

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Chapter 31 : Panam's Problem


Drying my hair after getting out of the shower I get a Holo from Panam simply stating "Meet at Camp" Seeing as I had nothing better to do I get dressed and ready to go to said camp.

'Don't know if a delamain will take me out there though.. Badlands in their coverage Fee?'

Shaking my head and deciding to try, I'm pleasantly surprised when Delamain allows me to plot my course there at a fee of course. 

Waiting for the Delamain i think over what Panam would want and if i was the first person she falled or not.

'Hopefully i'm not, Badlands aint a fun place for a netrunner and fucking Sandstorms are the worst

Shivering at the thought of the last sandstorm, It's not like it was bad, It was just heavily uncomfortable and my senses were diluted because of it, So i'm not a big fan of Sandstorms.

Finally getting into the Delamain I told it to take me to the Aldecaldos camp which was no need as I already set the course to begin with. Maybe I just wanted the verbal acknowledgement. 

Finally reaching the Camp im met with the site of V and Panam both waiting for me next to Panam's Thorne, Hopping out of the Delamain but no before i say thank you like the courteous person i am, I head over to V and Panam who seem to not even be talking just waiting.


"Hey, Ready?" Panam asks 

"Yepo" I say and V nods 

"So what happened?" V asks 

"Wraiths took saul, The brick brain ventured out with a small patrol and never came back" Panam explains

"Sure it was wraiths?" V asks 

"Could be lost, Or dead" I consider 

"We've been observing their camp. We know they're holding prisoners, Including someone important. We need to free Saul, I don't know why but… I felt like i could count on you two" Panam says 

"Always Panam, Us three? Were chooms, Thought that was clear" V says as i nod 

"Careful, Or i'll start believing that, You won't be able to get rid of me" Panam says 

"We'll survive i'm sure" V says as i get distracted by the clearly oncoming sandstorm


"Whatever goodwill you two might feel, I'm sure you wont turn down some rewards, That and the gratitude of the 'Caldos"  Panam says

"Sounds Good" 

"Lets Go, Mitch will walk us through the details" Panam says as she walks away and we follow her through the camp 

Various people mutter about as we all walk past them towards a group near a car.

"Where's Mitch and Scorpion? They were supposed to meet us here" Panam says 

"He'll be here in a minute" An Aldecaldos Woman says 

"Huh, You never mentioned seeking outside help" She remarks to Panam 

"We can use all the help we can get" Panam replies 

"Ok, how'd you wanna do this" V says as she leans against the Car

"Quietly an Open Assault would be suicide, Mitch is already setting up the recon, Youll sneak into the Wraiths Camp while i cover you, And YN runs quickhacks from the drone" Panam says looking at V then me slightly 

"Ah, Goin' In quiet, That's all we need Three"  V says 

"It's not that i don't wanna go, To go serve some Raffens up some justice! It's just….." Some Aldecaldo says 

"Look around! The last attack left barely half of us standing! Our Supplies are stuck outside god damn Reno, And our gear…. don't get me started" The same Aldecaldos women says

"Were up shit creek, Static, And i don't know if we're ever gonna find or fashion a paddle, Try as we might" Some other Aldecaldo says 

'They're all complaining but sitting around doing nothing, Seem more entitled than some Corpos i knew of'

The Aldecaldo Woman speaks again "So we do what Saul would want us to do" 

"Mhm, We wait and gather our strength" Cowboy hat aldecaldo says 

Mitch walks around the corner and stands in front of all of us and greets us all.

"Got a drone over the camp, Live eyes, Wanna take a look?" He asks V and Me

I decline knowing I'll be using the drome later anyway. V accepts and slots the chip in.

"They got into an abandoned cement plant to take over, Locusts would be a better name for them, They strip everything of all it's got then move on, but this time, Do you see the wall, They've added security measures, It points to them aiming to stay longer, The question is why, Who knows for sure, But i would guess that saul is part of that reason, If he's still there, We have to find a way inside, That guard post is probably connected to the rest of the camp, Possible way in, They also have breaches in the wall, Lightly guarded sections, Maybe you can slink in" Pamam Explains to V as i zone out and ready myself to use some daemons moving the ones id prefer in and out of my lineup.

V tapping my shoulder as she is done i finish my Quickhack lineup and Move to follow Panam and V as we had to a Van. 

We all hop into the Van as V drives, We're hit by the sandstorm just as we get to the Cement plant giving us some perfect cover, V gets out to go stealthily sneak in while i go near where Panam is and slot the Chip in to take control of the drone, Panam lays down and Lays her snipers out to cover V.

V starts from right side slowly taking out stragglers while i just follow along her controlling the drone in case things go wrong, And they do, Once V pulls Saul from his chair Alarms start blaring and Raffens start making their way towards the only exits, So i start Quick Hacking them thankfully dropping Droves upon droves of Them just enough for V to escape towards the Van as we all pile in while the sandstorm covers our escape.


Feel like this is a sloppy chapter and my writing has gone downhill a bit, But we'll push past that.

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