Chapter 32 : Abhorrent Aim

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Chapter 32 : Abhorrent Aim


Lucy,V and Rebecca all thought I'd need to actually know how to use a gun so currently I'm inside the "2nd Amendment" next to V's apartment as the three give me various tips on how to handle and hold a gun.

I just wish the targets didn't disappear and reappear so damn fast.

"This is dumb, there too fast" i groan

"I've seen you hack into Arasaka ICE faster than they move..." Lucy deadpans

"That's different and unfair! That's like brain stuff... Mental Ability, This is like reflexes and body movement not my speciality"

"Yeah.... Maybe you should just stick to quick hacking..." Rebecca grumbles

"You shoot like a gonk, Your stance is all wrong and you nearly shot yourself scratching your head earlier.." V adds

"Well my head itched! How was I supposed to know the safety wasn't on!"

"You supposed to always treat a gun like the safety is off and its loaded, Choomba" Rebecca says

"So you can't trust a gun?"

"Erm, Uh, Sorta..." Lucy stutters out

"Sooo, How many times did I hit the target?" I ask V

"Ummmm, Once, out of sixteen shots, Although it looks like a ricochet" V says

"Hmm, So you're saying, We should quit?"

"No, Im saying stop holding the gun like its a knife" V says

"C'mon, Rebecca? Lucy?" I say looking towards them

"Nope" Lucy says

Rebecca shakes her head with a mischievousness glint in her eyes.

"How about we have a contest? All of us, Just for bragging rights" Rebecca suggests

"So you mean either you or V gets bragging Rights?" Lucy states

"Yep!" Rebecca beams

"Yeah, Sure enjoy your match I'm gonna watch..."

"Oki" Rebecca says as Her and V get ready and me and Lucy go lean against the wall watching them.

Lucy glances at me before saying "V's gonna win, Rebecca is more of a spray and pray shooter, No clue why she wanted to do this"

"I have no clue either, Tryna impress someone maybe"

"Maybe" Lucy says

They both get set and press the call button to raise and lower the targets and off they go shooting, I can't really tell what's going on but it seems Lucy was correct, Rebecca is indeed the "Spray and Pray" Tactic and it does not look like it's working for her, While on the other hand V looks completely in her zone and isn't missing it looks like.

About Thirty shots later they both grab the results and walk over to compare.

"I hit Seventeen out of Thirty" Rebecca states proudly

"I got 24 Out of Thirty, Sorry Bec, Looks like i get bragging rights" V says smugly

I give a clap and Rebecca and Lucy both say congrats although one was upset about it and pouting.

All of us deciding to just goto V's Apartment and spend the rest of the day relaxing so we all walk out of the Gun Store past a guy whos fighting some Robot who waves at V and through some street market, One of V's neighbors is getting their door pounded on by some Cops, And V reaches her door and tell us to enjoy her "Humble Abode"

Her 'Humble Abode" was a nice looking apartment that's honestly pretty basic, However it somehow has a nice homish feel.

We all sit down on the coach and I ask V how she is doing and how far away from her goal she is.

"Takemura hasn't called yet, So no luck on that front, Haven't looked for that Doll... Evelyne yet either, I'd like to focus on one thing for now" V says

"Makes Sense, Still going the 'Let's Kidnap Hanako' Route? Or what?"

"Yeah, Kidnap route, Figure It'll look better overall for later on when we have to cleanup all this, Have less effects of a bad effect on everyone" She says

"Fair enough, How about you, Lucy, is life good?"

"Yeah, Been.... Not bad recently" She admits but refuses to say anything more

"Rebecca, How's Mox's doing? Not working ya too hard are they?"

"Nah, Had some bar fight a few days ago, Had a turf dispute near Lizzie's a week ago, Claw's said it was there turf, We disagreed, Nuff said" Rebecca says

We all chat away for a few hours before i get a Holo message from Rogue that says "Got a job for ya"

"What is it, Anything Fancy? Or classic ''steal the data n' ghost?" I send back

As we all continue to talk i get another message about thirty minutes later that just says "Classic"

Adding that to my mental checklist i pay attention to the conversation again as Rebecca asks me if I'm ignoring her.

"No sorry, Got a holo message my bad"

"Oh! From who?" She asks

"Rogue, She's got a job for me to do, Good ole' Classic of steal data and ghost"

"Know from who yet?" Lucy asks

"Not a single clue, Could be anyone"

"Fair, What's the rate of a legendary Netrunner go for?" Lucy asks

"Hmmmmm, For you? Probably free, Normally more than 90% can pay"

"You make it sound like you're a joytoy" Rebecca blurts out covering her mouth as soon as she says it.

"I'm sorry? Could you repeat that? I don't believe i heard you correctly there Becca"

Lucy and V are trying their hardest to not laugh while Rebecca is seemingly scared for her as she pales somehow.

"Uh, No I'm good, Sorry!" She exclaims

"Wow, Really got ya there did I?"

"I really thought you took that to heart wow" Rebecca says as Lucy and V finish laughing

"Well, This was a fun get-together, Thanks for trying to teach me how to use a gun, I'm gonna go check out what Rogue has for me, See y'all Later and stay safe" I say as I get up and leave the apartment and make way towards the Afterlife making sure to call a Delamain and message Rogue "Be there soon".


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