Chapter 5 : Horrendous Happenings

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Chapter 5 : Horrendous Happenings 


It's never fun to be woken up, Never met a person who liked their beauty sleep ruined, What makes being woken up worse is the constant ringing of my Holo that' s mind numbingly loud, Seeing as its Rogue you know damn well it's important she knows how much you love sleep.

Groggily accepting you just stare at her while she seemingly lets out a sigh of relief at just seeing you, "What's up Rogue, Better be good" You yawn out 

"Are you safe YN?" She asks slightly rushed 

"Yeah…. Why Wouldn't I be everything, Ok Rogue?" You slowly let out 

"Dex's Job blew up YN, Real bad like" She Huffs 

"Jesus, Must be bad if your this worked up bout it-" she cuts you off

"Saburo Arasaka is dead, Don't know if they even made it out alive" She tells you as you sit there wide eyed and shocked "Holy shit" You murmur, She lets out a quiet chuckle, "What's so funny Rogue?" You ask, "Nothing, Nothing just haven't seen you this shocked about anything before and with all that you've done it's just funny sorry" 

Then a realization hits you "Shit" you blurt out "Did they fry T??" 'I Really hope she didn't use the backdoor like i said, She has a chance to be alive if she listened' "Rogue can you send someone to check on her, She may need medical attention… Or a burial urn, Fuck, You still at the Afterlife Rogue?" 

"Will Do, and Yeah i am" She Replies 

"Alright, Good i'll be there in a bit and you can explain better, Cya in a few Rogue and take care" You say as you hang the Holo up.

'Didnt do shit for my headache fuckin hell

Getting up to take a quick shower before you leave you do a quick scan for your turrets and traps just in case with everything looking all good you head to take a shower.

Done with your shower you don a simple shirt and pants combo with your boots and a hat whilst grabbing another Granola bar for later you head out on your way towards the Afterlife. 

Walking straight toward Rogues booth with only a slight nod to Claire as you pass, You settle down on the booth seat right next to Rogue.

"Alrighty, Soooo, What the fuck happened and you get anyone on site for T?" You ask Rogue. 

"Yeah, She uh, Didn't make it" she claims eyes softening 

"Fucking Arasaka, God Damn it" you exclaim seemingly startlingly Rogue surprisingly 

"Knew i shoulda accepted the job, Fuckin Dumbass Dex!" Huffing you hear steps and turn to see Claire walking over with a bottle of Centzon, Quietly thanking her and apologizing for the outburst, You take a nice long sip and stare at Rogue as your eye plead her to continue on and explain

"Don't know about V or Jackie yet just know Dex is nowhere to be found nor his muscle, Went dark as soon as news dropped, All we know is Arasaka's Net went fucking psycho, And Yorinobu Arasaka annouced his death was a murder" 

She Explains 

"Holy fucking shit, You think that Jackie Fellow or V offed the fucking Emperor?" 

"Nah think it was some shitty power play within Arasaka" Rogue Explains 

"Well, Shit….. Have you heard from Rebecca yet?" You ask

"Nah, All you, you're the first person i told bout this, Wanted to make sure you were fine" she says while looking away from you

"Aw, How sweet of the mysterious and tough Rogue to be my knight in shining armor" You Tease 

"Shut your mouth before i shut it for you" She Scowls 

"Yes Ma'am" 

After a few minutes of silent contemplation you ask "Afterlife all good tho right? No way it can lead back here and yalls subnet right?" 

"Fuck, Didnt even think about that, Ill tell Nix our inhouse netrunner to check, Thanks YN" 

"No Problem, Make sure he wipes any trace of T-Bug's netID from it if she ever deep dived here, Don't want 'Saka or NetWatch catching any of it" 

"Gotcha just told em on Holo, He working on it" she explains

"Good, Good well then let me know if you hear anything about Dex and that entire mess, I gotta call Rebecca and set up a time to goto Lizzie's Bar, OH! And if you see Dex tell me so i can kick his fat ass, He just shook the hornet's nest their entire subnet gonna be locked downed now, It'll be so much harder to slip in and out" 

"Will do YN, Stay Safe alright?"

"Course' i'm always safe and paranoid, Which keeps me safe!" You exclaim with a chuckle, She Simply shakes her head as you stand up to leave following the same path you've taken the last 3 times.

'Maybe i should change my paths up don't want anyone tailing me, That'd be the most gonk way to die, Can imagine the Afterlife chatter after that one 'Legendary Netrunner that didn't even die Netrunning' God that'd be so embarrassing, Yeah i'll switch paths tomorrow and keep doing it i guess

Making it back home you decide to eat the Granola bar you took and forgot about, Better late than never you guess.

'Been a while since i actually just netran might as well see how locked up 'Saka is, I'll call Rebecca after

Gearing up in your Heat Resistance Hybrid Weave Net Running clothes you head over to the chair you have set up not before making sure your Turrets and Traps are still all good, Sitting down you give a good once over to the computer and setup for probably the third time, Just in case you keep telling yourself.

Finally Jacking into it and diving through you quickly see dull blues and the abstract reds and you feel the buzz of excitement you get from just being here, Doing what you want when you want. Shaking that thought away you decide to finally get back to checking out 'Saka's lockdown quickly shifting towards their Data Fortress you see that it's definitely on high alert not an ounce enough blue for most to slip through, Shifting around it confirmed that thought, Your trained eyes see some spots you could definitely get into but with companies like 'Saka it's always better keep your hand close.

Just Stretching your 'legs' in cyberspace is almost relaxing and calming to you. That's why you're sad when you complete what you came to do, Sighing softly you head back to your little subnet safe spot and jack out.

'Ugh, Netrunning Hangovers always are the worst though' You think as you get up and peel off the netrunner suit reminding yourself to put it in the wash later, Before you throw it near your hamper and go take your second shower of the day.

After the shower you decide it's time to stop putting off Rebecca who surprisingly has not Holo'd you once or texted, So you call her up.


Thanks for Reading and have a good day! 

And if you all have a preferred time I publish them let me know I'm usually 7 chapters ahead in case I don't have time for a while to write one. 

Probably V's POV next chapter to spice things up

Also noticed i may be writing some characters Out of Charcter and im sorry about that will try to fix

May upload next 3 at same time since they're all V's POV

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