Chapter 48 : Life Lost?

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Chapter 48 : Life Lost?

V's POV 

"What has happened?" Takemura asks 

"Not much, Just got shot" YN says, causing me to sigh out in relief before taking in her words.

"You got shot?!? Where?" 

"Just the arm, Hurts like hell though, Think i'll live" She calmly replies

"Does it have an exit wound?" 

"Yep! Exit and Entry wound, Pretty fun" 

"Ok good-"

"Focus on the mission, Heal later" Takemura cuts in 

"Sure thing" YN chirps

'Well she's clearly in shock'

Shaking my head and continuing as Takemura says "You will find a door to a staircase at the end of the room. It's the shortest route to the next sniper. He positioned himself high" 

"Keep you posted"

Moving up some stairs I hear Takemura say "V? It is Oda again! Listen!"

"We have to announce that public safety has been compromised! She must be extracted! At once!" Oda says

"Arasaka is fully capable of protecting its principals" Smasher states 

"Ask your boss what he values more - the Arasaka image or his sister's life!" Oda screams

"The situation is in hand. Over and out" Smashee says

Takemura patches it out and says "Did you hear? They know something. Perhaps much! We must hurry. Try to reach the maintenance area. You can climb up from there. And if that doesn't work, you can use the footbridge to your right. Watch out for the float Jets. Unless you intend to get cooked. I would keep my head low. Those pipes look strong. Try to climb them. Be careful - this is a construction area. We would not want the workers to alert security. A shooter patrols the footbridge"

"I got another Netrunner moving tow#€ &#£*-"

"YN? Hello? What the fuck just happened Takemura?" 

"Signal Lost or Cut, Worrying possibly Captured we must proceed with Caution" Takemura says

"What?? Try to locate her" 

"Hanako First, YN Second, Take care of the last problem" He says 

"What would that be?" 

"The Arasaka netrunner. She has taken control of all the networks. You must get rid of her. We will not be able to hijack the float otherwise She hides in an unfinished apartment building, near to the second sniper's nest" He explains

"OK, on my way. Shit... Not good…" 

Rushing towards the closest Elevator i patiently wait for it to go up and exhale when it opens the door and I rush into a massive open room with a netrunner inside plugged in.

Takemura says "Now, V! I have her attention! Pull out her link!" As soon as I get near the NetRunner just as I pull it out, Oda Jumps through the window mantis blades drawn as I barely dodge the endless attacks. 

"Fuck! Course you're here!"

"I warned you. You should have quit and left the city! You leave me no choice! Still you struggle?! Let us try another way! And Takemura - Where is he?! Fearful to face his apprentice?! You... will not touch her....... will not let you!" Oda screams 

Pulling out my trusty pistol I dash back and fire a slew of shots at Oda as he turns invisible and you can see his mantis blades glowing through the invisibility slightly. 

Looking around I see the glowing and dashing blades as I duck dodge and roll and hope while firing my gun and getting my hits in while I can . This goes on for at least thirty minutes before he falls to the ground defeated.

"I... I managed to…" I huff out, Out of breath

"Oda... Is he dead?" Takemura asks

"He's breathin... For now…" 

"Please, V. Show him mercy. There should be nothing standing in your way now. We press forward" Takemura pleads 

"I'm not vengeful, Plus we may need him"

As I get jack into the security system I say "OK, preem. Online and in the system. Hanako's inside" 

"What is she doing?" Takemura asks

"Tryna call someone, I think"

"Try to listen. Do not forget to disarm the alarms. I must be able to enter" Takemura says 

The Feed cuts to Hanako muttering in Japanese as my Translation Mod translates it to "さあ、YNを迎えに行こう" Translating… "Come on, Pick up YN" 

Clearly in distress she tightly grips her Pants and steels herself before making another call "危険だと警告された。オダとも違絡が取れないし、何か変だわ" Translating…..

"I was alerted of a threat. Oda is not answering. Something isn't right" 

"パレードを中止すれば、弱さを離したと思われる" Translation: 

"If we cancel the celebrations, it will be taken as a sign of weakness" A voice says who sounds like Yorinobu 

"弱さ?誰の?あなたの?" Translation: "Weakness? Whose? Yours?" Hanako says 

"俺たちだ" Translation:

 "Ours" Yorinobu Says


 "I only agreed to this to honor the memory of our father"

"操り人形になるためじゃないわ" Translation:

"But now I've started to feel like your puppet" Hanako says solemly 


Translation: "Everyone has their role to play in this spectacle, Michiko has no problem with that"


Translation: "'But I understand. One word from you and we can end this, it can all be over. Your safety is most important to me" Yorinobu says 

Sighing and looking around Hanako says "兄さん.....やり終えましよっ"

Translation: "Yorinobu…. We must finish this" 



"Thank you, Hanako. It would have been shame not to finish so heartwarming a ceremony" Yorinobu breaths out as the calls seemingly ends as Hanako's eye changes colors 

"Goro? All systems jammed. It's now or never" I say

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