Chapter 3: Heist Hijinks

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Chapter 3: Heist Hijinks 


Waking up on the floor is never fun in my experience, Althought when you stupidly fall asleep on the couch and sleep way to heavily for someone in my line of work it seems to happen more then you think. Groggily sitting up, nearly hitting my head on the table to my left, I stretch and look around and feel that unfortunate feeling in my neck, Ya know the one you get when you don't sleep properly or how i just did, Which was not properly but still.

Rubbing my neck to possibly relieve it , I look around for the clock on the wall spotting it is around Two PM, Jesus I nearly slept for 12 hours, Standing up to go to the small kitchen, I microwave another Burrito and happily munch on that for a good Thirty Minutes. 

Sighing as I get up to get changed from my sleepwear, I put on a black crop top jacket with a hood just in case I need to ditch someone who could be following me. I also slip on some black jeans and wear my boots to complete it. 

I amber out of the hatch of my little den and go on my way back the same way i came, Past Eden Palace back to the Metro and finally i reach the graffiti i stupidly studied yesterday. 

Giving Emmerick a smile and a cheeky wave as I walk past him I spot Claire and give her a wave as well, Heading back to the booth I smugly sat in yesterday, Or would that be today..? Eh, who cares.

One thing i did not expect to see what some muscle in front of the booth seemingly guarding it, Grinning wildly in hope of they're guarding it for Rogue you saunter over and see him eyeing you, Scanning him concludes his name is Crispin "Squama" Weyland, You decide to question him seeing as Rogue isn't sitting behind him in the booth yet.

"So 'Squama' where's Rogue at?"

Seemingly confused on how you know his name, He Responds with a "Who's Askin? Rogue don't deal with small fish thought that was known round here" 

"YN" You Simply State 

You see his face sort of morph into disbelief hard to really tell with his eye implants, But the slight shift in his stance has you grinning, It's not like you want everyone to know your name, But hey it does have its perks especially when your names spread around like boogie man stories to children right before bed, Everyone knows the name very few know the face that being said majority come from the Afterlife so it's no surprise when you get noticed here.

"What's your last name then?" He asks skeptically, making you grin even wider if possible. 

"LN, Why have you heard of it before?" You question with a chuckle. 

"Bull Fucking Shit" he huffs with an assumed eye roll.

"What's so hard to believe Mr.Weyland?" 

"Don't call me 'Mr', Makes me sound like a fuckin corpo, Prove it" 

"How the fuck you want me to do that? Don't see me in a netrunner suit right now do ya? And I'd rather not strip naked and get into an ice bath in front of you, no offense, I'm just gonna sit right there, and wait for Rogue like I assume you're doing alrighty? Good were Preem" You State as you walk past him and sit in Rogues spot once again 

Doesn't take long till you hear a commotion near the hallway and stand up to see what seems to be a Big Valentino Ganger and a gorgeous lady you wouldn't mind meetin. 

So you say fuck it mentally of course and brush past Squama and chug along to go sit next to her, But before you do you dont notice Rogue walking towards you and grabbing you by the arm and hauling you back to the booth entrance. What you do notice is The Big Valentino who loudly proclaimed his drink and name, Whisper very poorly about "The Queen of Fixer"

"Damn Rogue looks like you got a Fan Club where can i sign up?" You drawl and she fixes you with somewhat a scowl but underneath you can see the warmth she has for you in her eyes.

"You don't, Those two will be gone in Dex's Mad plan to steal from 'Saka in a week tops, What you do need to tell me is, Why the fuck did you ghost me, And why the hell did you dissappear?" She states while Squama seems extremely lost about why she's so 'seemingly' friendly towards you.

"Sometimes you just gotta go on a Little Vacay Rogue, You of all people should know that" You respond back smiling seemingly proud of yourself

"God, your infuriating sometimes YN, Whatever lets chat a bit before you go ghost again it'll be nice C'mon" She barely gives you a chance to wink at the lady who caught your eye who also seemed to be watching the entire exchange seemingly interested while sipping a Silverhand Special as Rogue who still hasn't let go of your Arm pulls you with her fully inside the Booth while Squama goes back to Guard Duty it seems.


"Soooo, Who was that?" you drawl out breaking both Jackie and Claire from their stupor at the sight of whatever the hell that was. 

"Not for me to say V, Have to find out yourself on that one" Claire retorts to her. 

"Legends V, Legends Hermana, Best Netrunner night cities seen since Alt Cunningham, Prodigy of sorts, Reached the status were trying to at 16 and that was 5 years ago, We better stop ogling before she fries us with some Quickhack shit" Jackie says as he downs the rest of his drink, Just in time as Dex's Brute states "Mr.Deshawn See you now" who also seemed caught up by that whole ordeal. 

Downing the rest of my drink and standing up with Jackie as we follow him, leading us past the counter through a door as Jackie states he's huge and asks if he does "some exotic shit" for working out or something i don't really know im still kinda in a Daze from whatever the hell that wink meant, I'm just following Jackie at this point when i hear him say "Think you could take me? Drop me?" 

"You trying to get us kicked out Jackie?" 

"Nah, Just gotta test your limits Hermana" 

The Bodyguard states "In Here" as we move past one door and another into a booth. 

"Let's get Started"


Not a great meeting but they probably will meet Lucy and Rebecca next chapter not confirmed yet. 

Elusive (Various Female Cyberpunk2077/Edgerunners x F!Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum