Chapter 36 : Woodman's Woes

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Chapter 36 : Woodman's Woes

V's POV 

Calling up YN to come sneak around and come help me she does so stating "It was easy, Made the Cam glitch out and sneaked past the Receptionist as she went to go someone to fix it" Nodding to her we both stand by the wall next to the VIP booth but just before we speak i see one of the Tyger Claws moving to the bathroom so i take my chance and follow him in. 

Quickly looking behind me i see YN has decided to follow me, The Claw goes go use the restroom and when he goes to watch his hands i sneak up behind him and choke him out, After that dilemma i take his key shard and go to back out the bathroom door and to the little janitorial closet and use the key on its door to get to the other side of the VIP lounge without being seen. 

Following the somewhat useful directions Tom gave me, I followed the left wall towards the innermost part of the building with YN in tow still.

"Ya know, I coulda opened the door right?" She whispers to me 

"Safer this way" 

She just looks at me clearly not believing it, Two more turns and we finally make it to Woodmans office walking in YN stands to the side just watching as Woodman looks and me and YN and stares at YN a little too long before saying "Whaddya Want? Looking for a Job?" 

"Nope, Looking for Evelyne Parker, Heard of her?" I state pulling out my pistol and very obviously checking for ammo in it.

"Got nobody working here by that name" He says setting his burger down 

"But she used to. What happened to her?"

"We all know you know lets not drag this out" YN says 

"Probably did what all the dolls try to do found a unicorn to set her up for life. Eh, you can do better. Try Roxie over at booth two. Same heart-shaped ass. Behavioral chip do the rest. Won't feel any difference" Woodman says leaning forward on his desk 

"Yeah, Im not doing this" YN says right before Woodman clutches his Head and screeches about his sight. 

"Hey, Big guy, Your Info for your Eye sight seems fair to me" YN Taunts sending me a wink 

"Fine! Email! Check the emails just stop whatever is it your doing" He says falling from his chair as YN's eyes go red for a second and then goes to check his emails 

Meanwhile I'm watching Woodman in case he tries anything, YN is standing basically right next to him while she checks the computer and he finally stops struggling on the ground. Unfortunately he does try something he tries to grab her Ankle but luckily before he does i point my Gun directly at his head.

"Do that and You'll lose more than your EyeSight" 

He moves his hands away and holds them above him ahead.

"Thanks V, Sold her off to a Ripperdoc eh? Woodman" YN says crouching to his Level. 

"What Ripperdoc?" 

"Fingers! Her Behavioral Chip was damaged, He place is in some Back Alley type of place near Jig-Jig Street" He says 

"Alrighty, Thanks" YN says getting up and waiting by the door 

I debate it for a few seconds before I bite the bullet, Well more like Woodman does, Leaving his body to rot me and YN go outside, Not forgetting to pick up my weapons on the way out 

As I call Judy, YN's eyes go blue as she seems to be messaging someone.

"V. You called, heh" Judy says as her Logo goes away and her face pops up 

"Promised I'd call, didn't I?"

"Promising's one thing, keepin' it's a whole other bag. So, manage to learn anything?" She huffs 

"Evelyn's not at Clouds anymore, Behavioral chip was damaged. 'Parently they carted her off to a ripperdoc goes by Fingers near Jig-Jig Street" 

"Shit, Meet you there V" She says as she hangs up.

We three meet up at the Second floor of Fingers clearly terrible Establishment, YN pays the other people here so we all can go first.

"Yes, hello? What can I do for you?" Says a skinny male who is wearing the worst outfit i have seen. 

"Looking for a girl named Evelyn Parker. I know she was here in your… clinic" 

"Ahh, so that's what this is about…" He mutters 

"Where is she?"

"A loaded question if I've ever heard one… You Tyger Claws? Far as I know, I'm all paid up" He says sitting down one of his chairs

"We're with the Mox" Judy explains

"The Mox! Why didn't you say so? So. What brings you here?" He exclaims right back

"These girls know you're chippin' faulty implants?" 

"You might say so. I'd say they're the very best I can find. See?" Fingers says 

"Wrong, You'd have to be looking for defective shit like this, You're doing it to get more repeat customers, Slimy Bastard" YN says 

"Well, very few children will play with broken toys. So when skin goes flabby, sockets go out of whack, implants malfunction… I'm sure you get the gist. You pay for goods, you expect top quality. Consumerism one-on-one" Fingers says 

"Please. Scrap Yards offer better quality than this" Judy retorts, looking like she wants to hit him, to which I do not blame her at all.

"Already told you. I'm lookin' for a woman named Evelyn Parker. Need to know where she is" 

"Step into my office, please. Many girls come through here. So many, but let me put it to you this way - I believe in giving each of them the personal touch. Ask anyone. I'm more than a chop-doc. See, I know what people truly want. To be flattered, praised, potted. To feel like… like they deserve it. Of course, I can't remember each and every one, Please, set your exquisite derrieres down" Fingers says standing and motioning us to the door opposite the one we came in.

'Either, I'm gonna regret this or he is'

Any convo with Johnny when V is talking to him try to put the thought quotations - '

But i sometimes forget so if you notice any wrong let me know or anything else wrong as well.

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