Chapter 11 : Notorious Netrunner

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Chapter 11 : Notorious Netrunner 


'Welp Here we go' Probably wasn't the best choice of words, considering I'm the only one who's gonna be doing some… 

Following the Mox around the bar and past the BD Rooms' and following the shittily placed rubber mats 'Seriously who set these up, Not even close to straight' taking a left at the end of the hallway past more BD Booths finally making it in the dressing room only to take a sharp left and head directly down the stairs stopping when you see a sign that says "Warning, All Activities Are Recorded" turning towards the Mox you angrily state "Better not fucking be recorded, Not staring in one of your BDs" As you cross you arms 

She looks between you, The Sign and Rebecca and simply states "See, What i can do" and turns around to continue on her way, Begrudgingly following her through the double doors and taking a right reaching their server room and moving towards the door, Inside you see a couch lining the wall another door and a hastily put together Deep Dive setup, Which looks like they just legitimately dragged a tub in and filled it with a hose and dumped bags of ice in it, 'It'll Work i guess' The Two people inside not including your or Rebecca include Susie Q and the Mox who lead you here, Who has Rose Tattoo on her Neck/Collarbone area, Green to Pink hair and a Firetruck Tattoo…? And is also wearing overalls.

"Nice Tats, What's with the Firetruck one?" You ask as she finishes connecting some wires and stands up from her kneeling position next to the Tub.

"Long Story, Rebuilt one when i was younger, Big part of my life" She Explains 

Susie Q coughs as you look towards her "YN Meet Judy, Judy, YN, She'll be running diagnostics while your in it just in case making sure it's running smooth" 

"Don't need it i'm skilled enough to do it by  myself Susie, You know this" You state

"I know, But i'm not a betting women, If anything does happen to you entire Afterlife bar'll bust down my door and make me wish i hadn't, Not taking a chance YN" She Explains 

Looking towards Judy you ask "So what do you do that makes you qualified to do this, if im forced to have someone hear rather it not be someone who doesn't know shit and kills me on accident" 

"Best braindance editor in Night City thats what" 

"You're Joking right? You know this is different right?"

Susie interjects here and states "Judy's best we got with tech so deal with it, I trust her, She knows what she's doing" 

"Fine, Sorry Judy, Id just prefer to not die" 

You explain 

"No Problem, I understand can't trust many in NC, I gotcha though" 

Turning to Rebecca you tell her "You can leave if you want don't gotta stay if you dont wanna, Probably been at least an hour or two, Know damn well they haven't upgraded their system in a while" 

"Nah, I'll stay, Wait for ya, Maybe drive ya home after as another thank you" She States 

"Sweet, Ok"

"You ready" Judy asks as Susie slips out to do who knows what. 

"Yeah, Could ya both make sure no one else enters? And i swear to god if i see a camera in here i'll personally fry your entire Subnet" 

Both just nod as Judy locks the door and Rebecca sits on the couch.

Sighing you start stripping off your clothes not caring at this point 'Let's just get this over with' done with that you notice Rebecca unashamedly staring at you, While Judy fiddles with the computer a bit more. 

Slipping into the Ice cold water you shiver and mentally curse yourself for bringing this upon yourself, Turning around the Grab the Deep Dive connector you spot Judy holding it for you, "Thanks Judy" You just lay back and let her plug it into your skull for you as you close your eyes and dive on in.

Opening your 'Eyes' you see the normal Blues and Reds of the Net and start be carefully scanning the area for any viruses or traps, Surprisingly seeing none at first glance you double check and triple check, Not believing it you slowly step from where you were towards a massive hole in the Data Fortress and start mending it back together not surprisingly is the mind numbingly slow speed it's taking since the OS is years behind and there's nothing you can do about it, Gotta fix the holes first or the OS will think the holes are supposed to be there, Deciding to not waste anymore time you jump straight into work.

Judy POV

After seeing that YN is all stable and set i lean up from my hunched position over the Computer, Turning to look at the new Mox i learned was Rebecca, Who is staring intently at YN, "Seem to be staring a lil too much for someone that just met her" she remarks 

Breaking from her focus Rebecca turns to look at Judy "Might not seem like it but, She's helped me a lot in a short time, And She didn't have to, I didn't have many people when i came back to NC, Probably only one person i can think of, I'm grateful" Rebecca Explains 

"Well, You don't have to worry she'll be fine. She was over dramatic about possibly dying, Doubt anyone set any Trojans or Viruses in the Subnet, Most deadly thing will probably be a spider web or two" I chuckle.

"Spider webs like the one on your shoulder?" Rebecca Questions with a smirk 

Laughing "Yeah, Like the one on my shoulder"  

Hearing a sloshing sound they both turn to look at YN, Who Apparently subconsciously moved her leg, Both People unknowingly letting out a sigh of relief it wasnt anything bad.

"Ya'Know how long she said it would take?" I ask

"Somethin like one to two hours she said" 

"Jesus, This'll take forever, Im gonna edit some BD's let me know if she moves or anything pops up on the computer, Okay?" i ask

"Sure, No Problem" Rebecca Responds 

And i get to work while Rebecca watches over YN.

Elusive (Various Female Cyberpunk2077/Edgerunners x F!Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें