Chapter 28: I Will Live

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Barren land stretched 1000 miles with endless fog in sight.

There were no trees and no grass, the only decoration in sight for miles was a blood red sun that gave everything a stale red overlay.

An endless flowing river slices the land into 2 halves. The river appears to be dyed in the same red as the sun, with unsettling bubbles popping from the surface once in a while.

Izuku: Where am I.

Izuku wasn't confused, nor was he surprised.

He had been expecting he will be visiting the land of the dead soon.

From Izuku's side of the land, he can faintly see 2 shadows standing there, menacingly.

The rough shape of the shadows tell Izuku everything he needs about both their identities. Judging by how they are separated by a river, Izuku quickly realised this must be the river you see when you are close to dying.

???: Please just die already brother.

???: You were always a failure.

The two voices spoke from across the land. Both of them filled with nothing but contempt for Izuku.

Izuku: Hmm, So deadmen can tell tales.

Izuku wasn't fazed by the two living dead. In fact, he was kind of glad that he got to see his father with his sister on the other side.

Izuku: I didn't know you died Toshinori, did you choke on your own saliva?

Toshinori: You were always a failure.

Izumi: Please just die already brother.

Izuku rolls his eyes as he sits down on the soggy dirt below him.

Izuku: Can both of you say anything else? It's draining enough already to talk to idiots.

Toshinori: failure

Izumi: die brother

Toshinori: failure

Izumi: die brother

Toshinori: lure...

Izumi: ther...

The fog thickens as the voices slowly fade out of existence. The air grows even staler as the water in the river begins to speed up.

Gushing water begins to slowly rise from the river to the banks. A deep mist covers Izuku from knee down as he find it hard to move.

Izuku wasn't fazed, he knew he wasn't in trouble.

Without warning, the fog and river went back to normal levels as the mist also disappears.

However, the two shadows across the rivers had changed. Changing into 2 silhouette he was far too familiar with.

Izuku heart ached seeing those 2.

He breaks into a full sprint, running towards to the river. But as hard as he tries to run, the distance wouldn't close.

Izuku shouts out their name.


Tears started running down Izuku's cheeks as he tries desperately to run closer to the river.

The 2 silhouette waves back at Izuku.

Izuku knew running was useless, as he breaks down, kneeling on his knees.

Izuku: Sorry I couldn't protect you! Please forgive me!

Izuku shouts out his heart felt apology at both of them. Not only could he not see Mashiro in her final moments, but also Citrus had died when he wasn't there.

The Blood Tyrant - AU Izuku YagiWhere stories live. Discover now