Chapter 63: Half Blood

Beginne am Anfang

Its sound played in a loop became an endless race, my soul begged to reach its finishing line.
For the good of my muscles and my heart.
To this undisturbed play, I heard slight crackling, almost unnoticeable, that I didn't find it necessary to report it.
But soon the whole rythme lost its tenor.
The wolves were interrupted in their running, and even without my eyes, I could tell the perturbation came from the front.

As I was to question Kamil, the crackling became louder as if someone was stepping on twigs and branches.

I was about to call out to Kamil about my worries but a scream broke out.

"Rem !! Rem!! What's happening?!"

Before I could react, my ass kissed the floor with too much enthusiasm.

"Tell me what's wrong."

Kamil's voice rang next to the hot mess.
I brought my ankles under my body and squatted up towards the small crowd, with my hands guiding me through the pitch black alley.

"Rem, I don't know, I think he's shifting. But there's no way, he's unconscious under wolfbane and he's not of age."

Seeing the alpha heir was not an option for me but his worries echoed through his vocal chords.

The silence that tried to take place was soon discarded by the recurrent sound of the small crackling.
We had no choice but to admit it, it wasn't twigs breaking but actually bones.

The older brother became restless, let alone with this incomprehensible situation.

"Calm down Asar! Shifting earlier is not unusual but the real problem is that he's unconscious and if he shifts his wolf would have full control. We can't let that happen."

Following the tram of explanation was somehow way more complicated than finding my way in the dark.
I extended my finger and I felt the warm aura of the person right in front of me.

A hand caught my hand and slowly their other hand got hold of my elbow.
I, then, was guided to my knees.

"Serah, I think you can help. Ask his wolf to retreat."

My eyes widened uselessly. I was about to refuse as I didn't have the power he pretended I had.
However, a third and desperate hand came in contact with my free palm.

"Please, whatever, as long as he's alright, do whatever you can to calm him down."

If it was about calming someone down, the brother had to work on himself first.
My lousy thoughts were kept for myself and I executed myself.
Whatever, as long as he was alright at the end.

"Kamil, guide my hand to the child."

Both men brought my hands to the convulsing kid.
I leaned towards him and I carried him in my arms.
Rocking him back and forth and I asked quietly.
"Go back."

There was no response. Panick was sweating through my skin.
Despite my trembling bones, I concentrated enough and I asked one more time.
"Go back."

This time my voice invaded the kid's mind.
I knew as my eyes could see and my cells felt safe.
His mind was like a spacious dark room, it was a familiar place.
I was there when I lost control once.

My shoes collided with the liquid ground, slightly splashing my surroundings.
I ran looking for a clue and I saw the sleeping child.
I crouched near the lying corpse.
He was wet and cold from sleeping on the ground, and barely breathing.

I touched his pale face and whispered.

"You need to wake up!"

There was no response. I tried again.

"Please!! Wake up!"

My second attempt to wake him up, seemed to have worked better but to my surprise.

His body started jerking uncontrollably.
I was horrified by the scene, what if I made everything way worse.
I was scared and didn't know how to calm him down.
Instinctively, I took him in my embrace and kept chanting:

"Everything will be alright."

For a whole five minutes I was with him in his mind and at some point, the seizure was replaced by small cries.

His gentle tears left his cheek with heavy sadness and he was still out of reach.
His mind started to darken till my eyes were once again imperceptive.

The kid was taken away and the same foreign hand was extended for me to hold.
I took it gladly and stood on my quivering legs.

"Thank you, thank you so much!!"

I smiled as I didn't know where exactly my interlocutor was and to be honest, what I did was still a mystery to myself.

I was to let go of him but he tightened his grip.

"What are you?!"

The genuine interrogation was shared with this stranger.
Kamil let out a faint chuckle knowing I was as confused as the people around.
Still, I had to answer.

"Serah Silverknight, a half blood."


Thank you so much for keeping up, I took so long to write this chapter as I couldn't find the inspiration nor the motivation but the story will kind of accelerate from now on as she reached the land where all the secrets will come to light.
Thanks again and love you all!!!!

She led me to him (Werewolf story)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt