Chapter 53: Grimauld Place

Start from the beginning

"This is a bow wielded by the Greek dwarf wizard, Cupidicio." Kreacher informs me dutifully. "He used to engrave runes and potions into his arrows and shoot muggles with them. He would experiment with different poisons to see the effects on the muggles, and he once used a love potion and a memory wiping rune, and he became known by the muggles-"

"As Cupid." I exhale in shock, finishing his sentence once I realized. "This is the real Cupid's bow and arrows?"

"Yes, Mistress. He made a sport of getting drunk on his own potions and going out every year to shoot muggles with those arrows." He croaks out and hands me the bow.

"That's genius, to use runes in arrows to make them have different effects. I bet the implications could be passed to alchemy, and I could make different transmutational elemental attacks." I mutter quietly under my breath, my mind racing with the possibilities. "This, I want this."

"Do you know how to shoot?" Dad asks me skeptically.

"I'm only a master archer from two lives." I smirk at Dad confidently. "It's how I killed the Joker. And Orochimaru. And countless others. Yeah, this is going to be great!" I cheer happily as I test out the bow, getting a feel of the strength. "With magic, I can increase the weight and the power of the actual bow, and add in storing capacity to the quiver to hold more. Dad, I'm so excited! Kreacher, this was a great find!"

"Mistress, there are more pieces here. I must shows you this, it is an armor set." Kreacher tugs my hand and leads me towards a drawer and opens it, showing me an interesting matte black, one shouldered breast plate. "When you puts it on, it fits to you. It is made of dragon scales, and defends against most spells." I take it from his outstretched hands, and put it on excitedly right away. It formed around my upper chest and right shoulder, but I can feel it has a magical protection that spread around most of my body. I did some test twists and bends, and it moved wonderfully around me.

"Kreacher, this is great, thanks!" I beam at the elf, and he smiles brightly at me at the praise. "Dad, how could you hold out on this all this time?!" I scold my dad as I turn to face him, and he just shrugs.

"You think I used to listen to my mother when she would brag about this crap?" He says casually.

"This crap..." I scoff at his term. "I'm holding Cupids bow... and wearing curse repelling armor! This house is full of wonderful items... and he calls them 'crap'..." I say in mocking exasperation, and stroll away from him. I look at the other weapons, but most are just English long swords or a large mace, and not really my style. "Hey Kreacher, that book of blood runes you tried to trick me into reading when I was eight, what was the curse on that? It looked useful, it made me want to read it." I ask the elf, and Dad turns and glares at the offending elf for trying to curse me when I was little.

"It would demand a blood sacrifice in order to read its secrets." Kreacher admits. "For Kreacher's offence, Kreacher will gladly give my life to allow my Mistress to read it." He wails out, throwing himself on the ground and wailing, offering up his little wrist to me dramatically.

"No, that won't be necessary. Does it demand a life or just some blood?" I ask for clarification once he calms down.

"It must be the blood of a fatal wound. If one tries to open it without that, the book will take the blood forcefully from those who try to read without paying the price." He informs me quietly.

"Fascinating. Get me the book please, I'll keep it on hand." I order out, and he leaves quickly to get it.

"You're not going to open it, are you?" Dad asks me incredulously.

"I'm sure at some point and time I can find a victim to use. There are plenty of bad wizards out there, especially now with Voldy back." I shrug dismissively. "Besides, I like Runes. I want to learn all aspects of them, not just the prim and proper types. I read that the goblins in Gringotts use blood runes on some of their safes, and it would be interesting to work with them after school, so I might need to know this." Kreacher comes back and hands me the book, and I shrink it and store it in the pouch next to the destroyed horcruxes.

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