26. virtually

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I realised that not only girls have a lot of dreams about their wedding. Guys do too. I had a fantasy that my partner would choose the suit for me. And the wedding is gonna be purple themes.

Both of our families were having dinner at our house to discuss the wedding. They were giving their own opinions on the wedding.  We decided that the wedding will be held inside. It's winter so we cannot hold the wedding outside. I kept looking at my ring and thinking I wanted our wedding day to be the best.

Ohm's dad: "Son It's your wedding. Why are so quiet? Say something." 

Ohm: "I always wanted my wedding to be purple-themed. It's a royal colour so yeah... And I want nanon to pick a suit for me. "

Nanon: "umm... I Don't want our suit to be black... I kinda want it something else... "

Ohm: "red? "

Nanon: "yeah sure."
He looked down at the hand on his lap and started to play with them.

Nanon: "umm I want both of us to walk down the aisle together. Is that okay? "

Ohm's mom: "yeah sure. "

Nanon: "will that ruin the traditions?" 

Ohm: "gay marriage Isn't traditional in the first place. "

Yes, It's not traditional.  It's not even legal here. So we are getting married in Canada. We hired people to handle the stuff there meanwhile I and nanon were preparing here. We bought a bigger house and moved there. We made a room for Night to stay in when she becomes old enough.

Today we were gonna choose our suits. Nanon had his eyes on a red tuxedo and he try it on. Then he chooses a suit for me too. It was pretty much similar to his. We gave our measurements for fitting.

Nanon went to his home and I came to mine. Nanon's mom wanted him to stay with them till the wedding. My mom wanted to do the same. You might be thinking who is Night staying with? Well, she is staying with nanon for now. When we asked her who she wants to stay with she chose her daddy. It's just 2 days before we fly to Canada so It's fine I guess. 

Staying without nanon was harder than I thought.  I was used to him being around. To distract myself I was playing with my phone.

Ohm: "Non can you bring me the water? "
I heard laughter. I looked up then I realised I was at my Parent's house and my brother was laughing his ass off.

Ohm: "shut up... It's a habit... "

Thai: "I gotta tell this to mom. MOM YOUR SON IS GOING CRAZY. "

Mom came out of the kitchen to the living room and saw that laughing.

Mom: "why what happened?  "

Thai: "P' was saying " Non can you bring me the wate-"

Ohm:" mom, tell him to shut up. I'm just used to nanon being around. " Mom squinted her eyes and said something that made me run for my life.

Mom: "Don't tell you little shit make nanon do all the work for you. I'm gonna kill you before you make my dimples life miserable." 
I ran as fast as I could. I knew mom was just joking.

I called nanon. Even though he told me not to call. He picked up the call but didn’t talk.

Ohm: "Non..."

He didn’t answer. 

Ohm: "nanon?"
He was awfully quiet.

Ohm: "my husband... Please talk na? I'm dying to talk to you. "

Nanon: "I miss you"

Ohm: "me too. How's Night?"

Nanon: "fell asleep while playing. "

Ohm: "cute. What were you doing? Had dinner yet? "

Nanon: *yes... I was about to go to sleep. I woke up pretty early today. "

Ohm:" yeah. You should sleep. What are you doing now? "

Nanon: "umm... Just... Ohm... Have you ever watched gay porn? "

Ohm: "WHAT! NON! You have me. Why are you watching those?"

Nanon:" I just... Watched them so I can better on our wedding night. "

Ohm: "don't tell me you are touching yourself. "

Nanon: "hmm... I am... I wish you were here. "

Ohm: "nanon... Video call me... Now!"

Nanon: "no ohm it's embarrassing. "

Ohm: "listen to me. "

Nanon cut the call and video-called me. He was keeping the camera on his face.

Ohm:" put it down somewhere."

Nanon: "umm... Please ohm... I don't want to..."

Ohm: "you have no choice but to say no here."

Nanon put his phone on the bed and put some pillows behind it to support it. I could see his boner. He was wearing his boxers but his dick's head was out of it. I cursed myself for thinking it looked cute. He immediately laid down and started to take his boxers off. And started stroking his dick.

Ohm: "Night isn't in this room right?"

Nanon: "ah... Mmh... She is sleeping with her grandma.  "

Ohm: "wait here I'll lock the door. "

I locked my door. Close the blinds and took off my pants too. I put my phone on my nightstand and sat down in front of it. I saw him fingering himself. He was moaning alone.

Ohm: "I left you for a day and this is what you do? "

Nanon:" it's... You- ah - your fault. You told me that you are gonna ruin my inside on our wedding night so- umph- I wanted to learn new stuff to do..."

I started to stroke mine too. He is so sexy. I couldn't see his face I could only see his body. He was touching his chest but he says he doesn't feel anything there. He was looking like a pornstar. I wish I could just go to his house and fuck him... Wait I could... Nah... That's too silly...

He moaned loudly and came... Suddenly, we heard a knock. I looked at my door but I'm sure no one was at my door. Nanon got up and looked at me with wide eyes.

Nanon: *whispering*" oh no... Nonnie is calling me. I have a huge boner I can't get out like this. "

The thrill was making me become harder. Nanon started to use his method to could down but he became hard again when he saw me on his phone screen. I intentionally took my hoodie off for him to have a full view I slowly spread my legs. He kept staring at me. Nonnie was calling him again and again.

Nonnie: "Bro I left my purse in your room. Let me get it. Are you asleep? You never sleep with your door locked. You are probably fucking. Geez couldn't stay human for 2 days. These horny dogs."

I laughed hearing Nonnie and Nanon suddenly came. I was shocked as to why he had an orgasm. He wasn't touching himself. He was also surprised.

Nanon:" oh God."

Ohm: "why did you come? You like thrill huh? "

Nanon: "no your laugh..."

Ohm:" what me laughing made you cum? "

I started to laugh hard again and he was right. Hearing my laughter made him hard once again.

Ohm: "nanon. Imagine your finger as my dick and put it inside."

He did as I said. He started to finger himself while I stroked my dick. It wasn't enough. It felt like something was missing.

Nanon: "not enough. More"

I wished I could do something but I couldn't. It took a while for me to cum. He also had to work a bit too much to cum. After he was done he took his phone in his hand and kissed the camera. I did the same.

Nanon: "I don't like doing it virtually. It feels like I'm a teenager. "

Ohm: "just 2 more days..."

The next day was the same. Nanon called and said Night wanted to talk. I talked to Night for a while before he took the phone and asked his mom to take care of night. I think his mom and Bonnie knew what was going on.

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