25. 1st Birthday and engagement

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"what if one of you falls out of love and breaks up"

I remember these were the word of the reporter. To be honest I feel like I'll never fall out of love. Even if I do I'll stay in this relationship. I'll stay because Night needs both of us. I promised I'll make her life easier by not creating family problems so I'll stay.

If ohm falls out of love I'll ask him to stay. At least for Night. And I know he'll do anything for Night. I remember how he bought 4 months old baby girl In my house and feed her with his pinky finger because we had no other option. I remember how he cried when I told him he couldn't adopt her. I remember when she was taking her first step ohm held her one and I held her other. I remember when she first called him. He went live and bickered with me. I'm glad he is her first word. He deserves it.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt ohm kiss me. I realised that I was crying. I kissed him back. Night was looking at us and giggling. I realised that I have my family and ohm in my life. Ohm has his family and me in his life. But Night? Night only has us... And I promise she'll have us until she finds the person she wanna marry just like us.

I smiled at night and she walked toward me. Ohm was worried and kept wiping my tears with his shirt sleeve just like when he used to while Nights drool.
I again started to cry.

Ohm: "gosh! Night! Your daddy is a crybaby. Why are you crying Non? What happened? "
He kept wiping my tears but new tears kept falling.

Ohm was now kissing my tears. I finally managed to calm down.

Nanon: "I just got emotional thinking about us. "

Night: "Daddyyyy"
Night started to cry. Maybe because she saw me crying or maybe she wanted attention. I picked her up and calmed her down.

Ohm sighed dramatically.

Ohm: "I'll have a hard to taking care of 2 cry babies for the rest of my life. "

Couple days later
Ohm's p.o.v

Today was my baby's 1st birthday. We booked a venue and held the party. Night was playing with other kids. Even though she is the youngest and smallest one. We invited everyone close to us. There wasn't any alcohol at the party.

Night's birthday candles were blown by us as we wanted to wish for her. We blew the candle and closed our eyes. I wished for her happiness and I know nanon wished the same. Night cut the cake with our help and then she tried a cake for the first time in her life. Nanon took the mic and told them that it was night's first time trying a cake. Everyone's focus was on her. I put the cake in her mouth and she chewed a bit before looking at me and instantly pulling my hand to her mouth for a second bite. Everyone laughed at her cuteness. We didn't give her much junk food but now that she is 1 she'll be having more junk food.

She played the whole time and somehow got hurt. People were telling us that she fell and we told them that it was fine. She'll come to us if she felt bad. People might call it bad parenting but we both think we should let the kids decide if they feel hurt or not.

The birthday party ended and nanon said he has something to do. So I drove home with Night. Night was talking to me the whole time. I understood half of the things she was saying. Sadly we couldn't stay with her the next day. We left her at her grandma's house and left for a fan meeting.

The fan meeting was going great. We sang a song and then answered some fan's questions then the host made us play some games. I moved to a side and took out my phone to record a small video. I tapped the recording button and suddenly I heard fans screaming. I turned around and saw nanon holding a ring box with 2 rings on it and getting on one knee. I was shocked. I didn't know he was so bold that he was proposing in front of fans and the media. He even got on his one knee.

Nanon: "ohm... You said you proposed to me to become your boyfriend so I have to propose to you to become my husband. So here I am... You are probably shocked at my bold move. I did think of not doing this in public but after you proposed we trended no.1 for kissing. The picture came out great and I was proud to see the picture everywhere. So I thought I needed to step up the game and do something so we can trend again when I propose. I hope the pictures come out great cause I'll be hanging them in our living room. "

Ohm: "now I know why girls cry when they get proposed to. You are a bit too confident, aren't you? "

Nanon: "you don't remember? You told me your answer is yes even if I don't ask you. "

Ohm: "then my answer is yes. "
I got on one knee and gave him my hand. He checked inside the ring to make sure he was putting on the right one. Then he put it on my ring finger. My ring finger won't ever be empty again. I took the other one and put it on his finger too. Then we kissed in front of everyone. We stood up and nanon was touching his knee.

Nanon: "gosh this guy. Playing hard to get huh?! Now my knee hurts. You are massaging them today. "

Ohm: "I didn't ask for that big speech but okay! "

I took off my ring and looked inside of it then I noticed it had Nanon's written on It with designs on the inside.

I was shocked so I started laughing. I showed the ring to the camera but it wasn't picking up the design that well.

Ohm: "guy! It has Nanon's written in it. Who's idea was it?"

Someone from the audience screamed "mine" and everyone screamed again. The fan meeting at the mall and I looked up to see on the second floor was everyone we know. Our friends, company staff members, management team and our parents. It was chimon who screamed "mine"

Ohm: "so our little chimon also knows how to keep secrets huh? "
I put my ring back and nanon grabbed me by my neck. He put me in a headlock.

Nanon: "this is a friendly warning. The man who you see struggling right now is engaged. Soon he is gonna get married. Do NOT! Drool over him. Well, it's impossible... Drool within staying in the line. His fiancee *showing his finger* is..............cute. "

He left me and I hit his arm.

Ohm: "you almost killed me. "

Nanon: "wait. I'm not only his fiancee I'm also... His baby's daddy. "

I looked in Night's direction and she was giggling hearing the word, daddy. She must've thought Nanon was calling her.

Oh gosh, now it's my time to plan the wedding huh?

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