14. It's fine

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I opened my eyes to see my dad's eyes being red. My mom's eyes are in tears. And that stopped eating.

Dad: "we are very happy that you adopted a child... But why drag nanon with you? Ohm... You are a well-known celebrity as well as nanon... When people are gonna find out about it... They aren't gonna accept it positively...  You will get bashed. Nanon will get bashed with you. I think we taught you better than this."

Ohm: "sorry dad... But nanon wanted this Himself...  He loves Night as much as I do. We are already getting hate for being in love... The truth is... People will hate you even if you climb mount, Everest. The people who love... Will love. The people who hate... Will hate."
I lowered my head again. I can't keep eye contact anymore.

Thai: "so Night is my niece's name? So pretty! Show me her pictures!"
Thai snatched my phone. And started to look at her pictures.  He shows mom but mom was quiet I held her hands hoping she would support me...

Ohm: "mom? "
She nodded...

Ohm: "say something na? "

Mom: " I have nothing to say. When you adopt someone. Your significant other automatically has the Title too. Not in papers but in that child's life. I'm not your Legal guardian but I'm still your mom... Whatever happens to you happens to me. Whatever happens to your dad also happens to me. In my opinion, now that nanon is a part of your life. Even if someone says 'i Don't like ohm' he would hear it as ' i Don't like nanon too'. He was always a big part of your life. I've seen his taking care of you and protecting you. You Don't have to worry about your mom's reaction anymore.  Just bring my granddaughter to me soon. Okay?"

I was in tears listening to him. Thai was stroking my back trying to soothe me.

Dad: "if that's the case then fine... Everyone seems happy so I'm also happy. "

I finally started sobbing loudly. Everyone was trying to comfort me. Suddenly my phone rang and thai received it. I was about to scold him but then I heard the voice that I missed so much.

Nanon: "is everything alright Ohm? "
It was a video call. I got embarrassed when I saw him shirtless. I wiped my eyes and took my phone away from Thai.  I wanted to walk out but thai held me back making me sit back down.

Nanon:" it went well right? I knew it would. You were just being a coward. Your family loves you. Nothing will stop you from loving night and giving her the best life. Oi ohm! Look at me! Stop crying okay? "

Mom: "Nanon dear. Next time find some time to visit us okay? Also, bring your daughter with you. "

He looked beside him. Seems like that's where Night is. He turned the camera around and we saw Night playing with her toy.

Thai: omg! She's so small!

Nanon: yes. Ikr! I used to think your bulky brother is accidentally gonna hurt her but turns out he is pretty soft for her"
Everyone started laughing. Dad was in awe and kept telling me that he'll hunt me down if Night ever gets a scratch. It's nice seeing them being so protective of her.

Thai: "P' you have a pretty nice body. Did you start working out? "
That's it! My own brother is starting to drool on my boyfriend. I snatched the phone from Thai.

Nanon: "woah! What happened? "

Ohm: "couldn't you wear your shirt before calling?"

Nanon: "gosh this kid!"

Dad: "nanon. Good luck taking care of 2 kids. "

Nanon: "sure uncle. Tell your son to behave sometimes. "

Ohm: "I'm behaving fine-"

Nano: "says the one who cried like a baby a moment ago and got jealous. Wipe your snot yo. "

Everyone burst out laughing. Night started to cry.

Nanon: "oh! What happened to you now? I wasn't teasing you though. Umm... Bye aunty,  bye uncle bye thai. Night's getting fussy. I gotta go.

Ohm: "you didn’t say bye to me."

Nanon: "bye Ohm. You can spend the night there."
And he hangs up. I was upset as to why he said I could spend the night here. He should've asked me to hurry back home!

Thai: "no bro! You can't stay here! I used Your room to make it a gaming room."
I gave thai a death stare.

Thai:" oh come on dude. I'm gonna make it liveable for you and your family. Give me time. "

Ohm: "you little kid. I'm not out of this house yet and you make my room a what? "

We bickered a bit and laughed it off. I really love my family.  I drove back home. And opened the door to nanon washing the dishes. I slowly walked up to him and back-hugged him. He flinched and got scared.

Nanon: "you asshole. You are gonna give me a heart attack someday. "
We stayed like this for a bit. I had no thoughts. Just focusing on Nanon's hum. I get why Night finds his humming soothing.

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