6. Flashback (TW: SA,Sucide)

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Ohm's p.o.v

I don't remember when I came to this place. How could I remember? I heard I was only 2 years when I came here. My mom left me here because my dad was abusive. They told me, my mom was bleeding badly when she dropped me here. I always wonder why they didn't do anything when they saw mom in that state. But I found the answer soon. When I was in 5th-grade bullying happened. It wasn't like normal bullying... Bullying could make someone's life a living hell. I was a bit chubby and short so taller guys used to call me by my names and beat me if I said anything. It was also around that time when families started to adopt me. The first family who adopted me said I wasn't what they were looking for and sent me back to this shithole. After I came here again after the family rejected me. The bullying became worse. The orphanage used to give us little money to spend. But they used to take those away from me. I never got to wear new clothes. Only the ones that people donated. It was fine by me. I was strong and I could bear with it.

In 9th grade, I made 2 friends. That was the best year of my life and also the worse. They bullied one of my friends... His name was roger. The other one got adopted. I didn't know what they did to roger to end his life but he did. He took his own life... But the people working here? They didn't let a single person talk about him. They didn't let me mourn for my first friend... My best friend... They didn't tell the world. They forbid us to let any rumours go outside. He was forgotten. Because I was his best friend... Those jerks started bullying me too. Those guys were in 10th grade and they had access to phones. Once they asked me to go to a store room. I thought they were gonna make me clean it on their behalf. But no... They decided to ask me to take my clothes off and give them a show. I was too naive. I didn't know what they meant. Soon they started to rip my clothes off and make a video of me crying while trying to cover my body. They stroked me saying I'll feel good. I didn't feel good but as a natural response of the human body. I orgasmed. I still feel dirty to this day.

You might think this might be the end of it all but no... There was a rule that every Friday night we get to choose a movie and watch it all together. The next Friday the 10th graders said only the 8th grader to 12th grader could watch it. But it wasn't a movie. It was the video of me... They were having fun while torturing me. The workers tried to stop it but they were late. Every watched the whole video. I remember all of their teasings. I remember all the nasty looks I got. Even the workers who were supposed to take care of me acted like I was a whore or something. I understood why roger took his life I was planning to do the same but... I'll always thank God for sending my dad to me. He is a social worker. He came to visit our orphanage and saw me. Sitting under a tree crying silently afraid the bullies will see me and do something worse. He put his hand on my head and asked what happened? I don't know why I asked him to get me out of there but I'm glad I did. He adopted me right that day. He took me home and I met his wife who wasn't much impressed with me but eventually welcomed me with warm hugs. I called her mom right away.

I have never told anyone about this story until now. And I don't know why I was saying all these to my best friend. I always thought people will be disgusted and will give me the nasty look. Same as the people there. I'm afraid nanon will do the same. He's gonna stop being my friend. He'll be disturbed knowing he kissed these lips he touched this unholy body. I was crying hard while holding him. Maybe this will be the last time he'll let me hold him like this.

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