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Harwins pov
I truly do not know how to help her through this time. Everyone knows of our relationship now. Here we are in Kreedence. She's getting crowned and I couldn't be more proud. Her brothers aren't bothered by the decision. Neither of them want the crown. I chuckle watching daemon and her fly about on the dragons. Balerion dwarfing all of them by a lot. The royal family are coming too. She wears her fathers ring around her neck on a necklace. Daemon already told me his idea as to what to do with it.

We just have to get it off her neck. We leave her with Alicent and rhaenyra to get ready and daemon says "we will see you out there" she nods and we kiss her cheeks.

Rhaenesa's pov
I watch as Alicent puts the crown on my head. She's who sends for my brothers life. She's who will cause all that war and loss. She says "I'm sorry for your loss your grace" "yeah" I nod and take myself in

"Are you angry with me your Grace?" She asks as rhaenyra puts earrings in my ears and she smiles "you're beautiful cousin" I smile "thank you rhaenyra" she says "I am truly sorry about your loss" I squeeze her hand "thank you rhaenyra

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"Are you angry with me your Grace?" She asks as rhaenyra puts earrings in my ears and she smiles "you're beautiful cousin" I smile "thank you rhaenyra" she says "I am truly sorry about your loss" I squeeze her hand "thank you rhaenyra. You too Alicent" Alicent says "it's time to go" I nod and I walk down the isle to my mother who names me ruler....the queen of Kreedence. Many lords come with gifts as I sit on the throne and swear fealty to me.

Princess|| Harwin Strong x Daemon targaryen x ocDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora