Chapter 62: Because of her

Start from the beginning

My palms were moist and sweat was starting to take over my forehead. Nevertheless, I was more than ready to help out the little boy.

"When will we go for them?"

"You'll give the go, when you see the wild animal in distress or looking for us, it'll be the cue."

"Like right now."

We silently decided that our talk had found its ending, to focus on the action right in front of us.
The rogue sniffed around its surroundings and they most likely detected us, Kamil sprinted towards the animal , not leaving any time to confirm their suspicions.
The loud and ferocious step Kamil was taking, was enough to make the intruder scurry off without any understanding of the situation.
To their dismay, the plan was on, with every second passing, we were closer to them and accelerating for the rogue was complex as they carried a child on their back.
In spite of hitting frantically, his head on the animal's back, the boy didn't budge. He couldn't be simply sleeping.
Kamil wasn't telling me everything but I knew something really dark was plaguing the werewolf community.

It was almost time.
I jump on the rogue to get the child.
Kamil will get the intruder.

The closeness was now enough to carry on the plan. The horrendous smelling being sensed the imminent danger and without a care dropped the kid that weighed them down.
Something in me jumped before the kid could touch the ground.
My arms snaked around his frail figure protectively before making contact with the hardened mud gallery.

"Stay here!"

He angrily shouted before disappearing. I could still see them but after a while, the rogue hid themselves. Kamil was turning around, his paws swiftly danced in round but his senses failed him. I wanted to run and help him locate the disgraceful runt but my legs numbed during our journey.

I looked at the child still in my arms, he was in a peaceful slumber and all my cells screamed to protect him.
Was it in our lycan blood? The need to protect the werewolf species. I did feel this way long ago with Kevin.
Before entangling myself with the unknown, I was attracted to him, I had feelings I knew were stronger than my reasoning. But was it love? What about Jay? A love forced upon your life and calling it fate.
The feeling of love became blurry as I lived next to these children of the moon.
Because I felt strongly attracted to that kid, an affection for someone I had never encountered and it wasn't love. It was pure and platonic like Josh and Sereph.
Or even Kamil, when I first saw him, he felt familiar.

Thinking about him, he came right in front of me.

"Let's not lose anymore time! Hope in my back right now."

His legs bent and his paws dug into the dirt.
Blood to some extent started to stream back in my lower body and with care, I carried the child with me.

"Hold on tight on the child and to me."

Before I could process his words, he was quick off the mark in taking off.

I gripped hard on his fur, scared I would fly away with the kid.


He called out with apprehension.


"Don't you feel something?"

I was surprised by his question but Kamil knew more about my situation than I ever could.

"You mean the bond I feel with this child."

For a few moments, a wave of calmness hit my core, not understanding where it came from.

"As I suspected, this child is most likely Remy, the last child of the Markens, the Alpha family of Ice Moon and also my youngest cousin."

I was bewildered by the news.

"How many more cousins do you have?"

Then it would make sense, the same feelings I had when I met his blood relatives.

I could almost hear a chuckle in my head but it was soon replaced with a deep voice.

"You haven't met the royal children yet. There is one more family and that's all."

"They're royals?"

"Yeah, they live in a secluded island ruling over humans."

"I see. Then why do you think, this poor kid got caught?"

"The story is repeated itself, it was once Jess and now Rem, and the link Serah, it's you. He got caught in this mess most probably because of you."


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She led me to him (Werewolf story)Where stories live. Discover now