Ruth Powers #1

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Requested by @CarambaKid, thanks for requesting! Hope you like it.

"Come on, (y/n), we've been here all night and there's no sign of her" Your friend, Kirk sighed and put his drink down.

"But i heard her say she'd be here tonight! At least give me another hour" You were at a nightclub tonight. It was a real classy place with some real nice people. Clean, good music playing and some quality drinks, but you weren't here for the atmosphere, you were here to find that special someone. There was plenty of nice women here, there was definitely no shortage of them, but you weren't interested in any of them. You were completely in love with your co-worker, Ruth Powers, but she never really noticed you, but you heard her say to her friend that she would be here tonight and so here you were. Dressed in your finest, looking good, smelling good, and feeling not so good as you rapped your fingers in anticipation as you sat at the bar. You asked your friend, Kirk to come with you as he was your wingman. One look at him and you would look like Adonis in comparison.

"Alright" Kirk sighed. "We'll stay another hour, but if she doesn't show, then I'm leaving!"

You gave a weak smile. "Thanks Kirk, you're a true friend"

You didn't want to waste your night out, so you decided to get out on the dance floor as you hoped she would appear. You were just dancing on your own, and you almost asked another girl to dance when you spotted her. A smile appeared on your face as you casually approached her, but Kirk was way ahead of you, like a good wingman.

"Hey, babe. Care to dance? I recorded a song, you know" He offered charmingly.

She looked at him, but then noticed you and couldn't look away. "Uh, actually I was wondering if you could introduce me to your friend?" She asked him.

"Oh, of course! This is (y/n)" Kirk gave you a wink and introduced you to each other.

You grinned at her and hit the fance floor together where you exchanged names and talked. She was fun and cool as you already knew and she seemed to really like you as well. You could see Kirk struck up a conversation with a girl and was buying her a drink right now, so the evening wasn't a total washout for him either.

Ruth mentioned something about not eating yet. This was perfect as you could both sit and have dinner. 

"Whew! Dancing really makes you thirsty!" You said with a laugh as you were about to approach the bar to get a drink.

"Not to mention hungry as well" She added.

"Hungry? Yeah, I'm a little hungry too. Do you wanna sit down and get something to eat?" You offered.

"What, dinner together?"

"Well yeah. I'll pay"

"Oh no, i couldn't let you do that"

"No, honestly, it's fine. My treat" You smiled as you both sat yourselves down at a table.

"Well, if you insist" She shrugged and accepted your offer. You ordered something to eat and drink for the both of you and you really got to talking and got to know each other real well. She couldn't really believe it when you told her that you both worked together.

"Wait, that's actually where you work? No way!"

"Yes way! It's true!" You chuckled.

 You thought she was awesome and you were pretty sure she thought the same of you. Hopefully. You both laughed as Kirk spilled his drink on his date, but you did help him clean up. You had to repay him somehow.

Your magical evening was finally drawing to a close as she explained that she had to get back to her daughter.

"Well, (y/n), that was great, but i gotta get home to my daughter before that naked talk show comes on"

"Yeah, i understand, that shows weird" Then an idea hit you. "Say, would you like a lift home?"

Her eyes lit up at this. "Sure! I haven't had a ride since the police caught me for stealing my ex-husbands car!"

"Wait, what?"

"Come on! Let's go!" 

Then it hit you that you didn't have a car as you came with Kirk in his car.

"Um, could you give me a moment?" You laughed sheepishly and smiled awkwardly.


You ran back into the nightclub where you found Kirk, who was just about to share a kiss with his date.

"Kirk!" You shout like a madman and startle him.

"Huh? Aagh!" He cries as he falls out of his chair. "What is it, (y/n)?" He asks impatiently as he fixes his glasses.

"Sorry, it's just, you couldn't offer me a lift home, could you?" You sweat profusely.

"A li-, say, would you like a lift home too?" He turns to his date with a flirty smile.

"Oh, thanks, Kirk!" She smiled and grabbed his hand as you all left together. You all jumped in the car and he was off like a rocket. You never even got a chance to actually fix your seatbelt and you were almost catapulted from the force of him hitting the gas!

"Easy on the driving, Kirk!" You screamed at your excited pal.

"Sorry. Say, who wants to listen to my song?" He asked. None of you matched his enthusiasm but he didn't seem to notice as he started to blast can i borrow a feeling through the speakers and you melted and shrank down to the size of an ant down in your seat as you cringed in embarrassment.

"It's pretty lit, huh?" He giggled and sang along and turned up the volume, with no regard for anyone else in the car, like most middle aged dads do.

"Uh, yeah" You hesitated to answer and gave a sigh of relief as you saw Ruth's house. Kirk stopped and she got out, but not before exchanging numbers, thanking you again for tonight, and repaying you by pulling you in for a huge kiss!

You waved back at her as Kirk drove off and gazed dreamily as you thought about tonight. You didn't care what Kirk did now, as tonight had turned out perfect.

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