Dating fat Tony would include

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Requested by @MoonFurriesMetalhead, thanks for requesting! Hope you like it.

• You probably met during something like a hostage situation 

• Like he was fighting some other mob, noticed you and took a liking to you

• And that was it from that moment on

• Him sending you the most expensive gifts 

• Like honestly, you didn't really want anything to do with him but it's better to just go along with him than to break his heart because there would be serious for you and everyone else, you thought

• You were pleasantly surprised though as he really took an interest in you and did all he could to make you like him back

• He felt on top of the world (or on top of Springfield) when you returned his feelings

• He promised you would have the life of a regina (Italian for queen) by his side.

• And he kept to that promise

• Him killing anyone you don't like

• It's his way of showing affection through the only way he knows how

• He's pretty much an evil person but you have some really wholesome and romantic dates together 

• But mostly just dinner at Luigi's and other Italian restaurants

• Learning some Italian for him

• Learning some Italian from him

• Forget spontaneity at dinnertime, you now live on pasta and olive oil

• But that's not such a bad gig tbh

• Meeting the rest of the mob

• Them seeming scary at first but they're not such a bad bunch of guys once you get to know them all

• Your wardrobe changing almost overnight 

• Never worrying about your appearance cos you always look perfect in his eyes

• But you could always change if you want just like Selma did with all the excess money

• seeing a softer side to him sometimes

• Like when he plays violins and sings showtunes to you

• That's pretty sweet

• Chief Wiggum wishing you would keep away from the man but even he has to admit you make a pretty good couple

• Trips to Italy with him

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