Mr Burns #1

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"You called for me, "sir?" You say in a teasing tone as you enter your boyfriend Burns office.

"Yes, (y/n),it just seems to me, that we've been seeing each other for uh, quite a while now"

"We have" you say cheerfully , though still not quite sure why he called you in here.

"Well what was I thinking? Going out with you all that time and not even showing you this!" He exclaimed whilst making a gesture with his hand for you to come near.

"Now this is the button that works the trap door, it's what I use for any unwanted company, I thought today was the day I should show you how to use it." The old man smiled, proudly if it weren't so evil. Yes, Monty Burns was truly the devil himself, but he was your devil and no one could say anything against it.

You felt flattered at the thought of him showing you this. Why, it hadn't even crossed your mind to ask him to show you! But here you were, about to try it for the first time.

"Lenny Leonard!" He called as the man entered the office, looking a bit scared. You'd feel sorry for him if it weren't for the fact you were so excited.

"Now, (y/n), just press the button" he says, his voice calm and smirk evil.

You took a deep breath and closed your eyes before opening them and gently pressing the button.

"Aaagh!" He shouted as he went down, you put your hands over your eyes before looking through them and at seeing Montys admiration, smiled wide.

"How did I do?" You asked excitedly, jumping a little, hardly containing your excitement, but also feeling a pang of guilt.

"You did excellent my dear!" He says proudly, whilst grabbing your shoulders and pulling your happy self.

"Thanks Monty, I love you!"

" And of course I love you, (y/n)" he says as he smirks wickedly.

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