Dating Russ Cargill would include

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Requested by @popcorntart0210, thanks for requesting! Hope you like it. Also, I haven't watched the Simpsons movie in ages so forgive me if this isn't great.

• Thinking of him as intelligent, kind for thinking of the environment, and insanely attractive upon first meeting him.

• But once you get to know him, you find out there's more to him than meets the eye.

• He asked you out in a grand sort of way, not tacky, but he made sure to impress you and wanted you to know how much better off you'd be with him.

• He just really wanted to convince you that you really should go out with him.

• Of course you said yes.

• But then you find out what he's really like.

• First trying to convince him to stop with his plans.

• But he wouldn't stand to see you doubting him.

• Soon realising that the way to his heart was to praise his plans and encourage him.

• But secretly trying to help the people of Springfield behind his back.

• Him being busy with all of his plans and sometimes ignoring you in the process.

• But he makes it all up to you after.

• He's something of a romantic but he's not really one for too much affection.

• High class dates

• Helping him to track down the Simpsons.

• He drinks praise as though it were water though.

• Especially when it's coming from you.

• Don't try and catch his attention when he's busy.

• You'll just get the cold shoulder.

• Just don't interfere with his plans, I warn ya.

• But wait until he had some free time and he will be all yours.

• He's a madman so you can count on him getting insanely jealous of anyone hurting or hitting on you.

• He's a little possessive but that's just his way of showing he cares.

• if you put your trust in him and don't doubt him, then he wants you to be there by his side when his plans work (which they didn't).

• He just wants you there by his side, supporting his plans and his power mad and crazy ideas.

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