Shauna Chalmers #1

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Requested by @Rainy_Stormx, thanks for requesting! Hope you like it.

You heaved a sigh and rapped on your desk. You were in detention. Again. It's not that you were a bad student, it's just that when people want to impress their crush they usually do something impressive to catch their crushes eye. This usually means to do something good or cool, but for you it was to misbehave, that way you would get a chance to see her. You stared at her longingly from your desk, wishing for a chance with her one day, but you knew that was never gonna happen seeing as her boyfriend was Jimbo Jones, the school bully.

She felt your gaze on her and looked at you suspiciously, but you quickly turned away so she wouldn't notice. You heaved another loud sigh.

"Will you shut up?!?" She shouted at you. At last she finally spoke to you. Ok, so she was unbelievably rude, but she was talking. You obeyed her and stopped your sighing as you waited out the hours until you could go home. You noticed something wrong with her today. She seemed edgier than usual of that was possible. Oh how you wanted to talk to her.

detention FINALLY ended and you left. As you walked home, you noticed Shauna was on her own. Strange. You decided to ignore your nerves and take this opportunity to talk to her, you'd only regret it if you didn't. You slowly approached her, put on a tough face and prayed that Jimbo wouldn't appear.

"Uugh, detention, am I right?" You said, startling her.

" What do you want? " she asked aggressively.

You were hurt but tried to act like you didn't care. " yeesh, I just wanted to talk" you rolled your eyes.

"About what?" She stopped suddenly and glared at you.

You felt weak, but tried to remain strong. "I don't know! What's on your mind? And where is Jimbo? "

She looked deeply hurt but tried to keep up a front. "What does it matter?"

" Just trying to make conversation! "

She sighed. "Jimbo...dumped me!" She started sobbing. You felt sorry for her and so put your arms around her skinny form.

"i...had no idea " you really didn't know how to deal with this.

"I know! He left me for some other girl! What does that little skank have that I don't?"

 " Uh, a huge butt? " you answered, not really knowing what to say.

Her eyes lit up a bit and a weak smile formed on her face and she started laughing softly. You didn't know what to do and so laughed yourself. She got up and you both laughed at this.

 "You're not so bad, I like you" she smiled, making you go weak inside.

 "Thank you. I can't imagine why that jerk would do such a thing to you"

 "Uggh, I'm so over him now"

 "What, already?" 

 " Yeah, he's pretty replaceable "

Happy thoughts ran through your mind now that an opportunity had opened for you. "Hey, Shauna" you said nervously.


 " would you...would you like to come with me to the park? " 

 "Eh, why not? I've got some hours to kill"

You could've burst for joy now that she liked you. As you continued to walk down the street to the park, while you were talking, she grabbed and kissed you. You were surprised but not at all angry.

"W-what was that for?" You asked, astonished.

"Like I said, I like you" she smiled.

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