Mr Burns #4

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You arrived back home at Burns manor. Your feet were killing you after a long boring day , and you were exhausted and just wanted to cuddle with Monty.

"Monty! I'm back!" You shouted cheerfully as you entered the large place. He didn't answer back and you couldn't see him anywhere, which you thought was strange, so you decided to look for him.

"Monty?" You shouted as you entered all the different rooms. The place was very big and easy to get lost in. You were beginning to get worried. If you couldn't find him in this room, then you thought you'd just give up and sit down.

You found him though, in the bedroom, muttering something to himself as he looked with a bored expression in the mirror.

"Uh, Monty?" You asked, startling him, who didn't expect anyone's presence.


)! Oh!" He exclaimed, in a surprised manner.

"Is there something wrong?" You ask sounding concerned .

"No, of course not! Why would you think that?" He said hurriedly which really made you wonder what was up.

If he really was ok, then why was he acting so nervous and weird? you weren't convinced.

"Are you sure you're fine?" You ask as you sit down beside him, putting an arm on his shoulder.

He just sat there and said nothing. you were about to give up, when he said:

"It's you really 'love' me? I mean, would you prefer someone younger? Stronger? Better looking maybe?"

"Monty...I chose you because i loved you, and you're not like the younger guys. You're amazing, even though you're pretty evil" you explain, laughing a bit.

"Are you...are you sure?" he asks.

"of course I'm sure" you say with a soft smile, making him smile too.

He smilies a sort of weak smile as you sit on his lap and kissed the old man.

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