Yaya 1

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November 15th, the day finally came when I stepped out of the exam room, feeling the freedom wash over me like a gentle ocean wave. I spotted my two best friends, Anita Ngubeni and Naledi Maqoma, already deep in conversation about the epic party planned for our house.

We lived in Naledi's grand home in La Lucia, a beautiful inheritance from her late father. She's the richest in our squad and was absolutely determined to throw me the most unforgettable party Durban has ever seen—or so she claims with her usual flair.

Now, don't get me wrong; I'm no angel. I enjoy partying, drinking, and smoking weed, but I've also got a brain to match. Anita, on the other hand, is our group's angel—doesn't touch alcohol or cigarettes, yet somehow we convince her to come to parties with us after a lot of pleading. Then there's Ledi, our wild child. If there's something she hasn't tried, it's probably not worth doing. She's had one-night stands, blessers, drinks, and smokes anything she can get her hands on. My mom isn't her biggest fan, but she tolerates Ledi because she knows how much I adore her. We've been friends since we were five.

We met Anita when we were ten. She had just moved into our neighborhood and looked so lost without friends. Ledi and I decided to befriend her, and we've been inseparable since then—three musketeers against the world.

I'm not rich, nor am I poor. My mom works tirelessly as a doctor to provide me with a decent life. We share a typical mother-daughter relationship, full of love and the occasional squabble. My friends and I are students at DUT city campus. I'm immersed in photography and arts, while Ledi is chasing her dreams as an actress. Anita, the best dancer I've ever seen, is majoring in dance. She and Ledi sometimes share classes, which always leads to hilarious stories.

After the exam, we made our way to Ledi's car, giggling like schoolgirls as we headed to Gateway to stock up on booze. We planned to meet Anita's boyfriend, Bonke, in the underground parking lot. As we arrived, Bonke and Anita shared a tender moment, their eyes locking in a way that made me smile. After their brief romantic interlude, Bonke greeted us warmly, his charm adding to the excitement of the night ahead.

"How are you guys? Happy birthday, Yaya."

I felt a warm flush creep up my cheeks. "Thanks. We're good, and yourself?"

"Also good," he replied smoothly. "So, is it only booze you guys need, or?"

I grinned cheekily. "We've got the weed."

Ledi piped up, not missing a beat, "And ecstasy."

My smile faltered. "Ledi, really? I thought I said no ecstasy."

She shrugged with an innocent smile. "Yeah, well, it's already been bought, and it's coming tonight."

I sighed, exasperated. "What am I going to do with you?!"

She just smiled wider. The last time I took ecstasy, I ended up in hospital for three whole days, and I swore never to touch it again. Of course, my mom found out and wasn't happy about it, but we got over it, thank goodness.

Bonke chuckled. "You are one naughty girl, Naledi."

"So I've been told," she said, her voice dripping with mock innocence.

Anita, looking a bit uncomfortable, interjected, "Can we just get what we came here for, guys? I've got major cramps."

I raised an eyebrow at her. "Does that mean you'll be sleeping in tonight?"

Bonke's eyes widened in mock horror. "No, babe, you can't."

Ledi shook her head. "She wouldn't dare do us like that."

Anita rolled her eyes. "Relax, would you? All I need is a quick nap, and then I'm good."

Bonke leaned in and kissed the side of her head. "That's my girl."

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