"You were, but... Just... Oh goodness," he whispered.

"You don't look too bad yourself," I complemented him. I sat down on the bed and popped my phone out of its case. I shoved it in the left side of my bra, and I shoved money in the right side.

"Ew," I heard Niall mutter.

I turned and looked at him with one eyebrow raised. "Really?"

"It's touching your boob," he said.

"It's not like you haven't before," I pointed out. He shrugged and held his hand out to me. He helped me stand up off the bed and he pulled me into a bone-crushing hug.

"You... can... stop... now!" I gasped. He loosened his grip, but not much.

He leaned so his mouth was close to my ear and whispered, "You're mine and no one else's."

"I think I know that," I told him. "Your child is in my womb at the present moment."

Niall nodded and whispered, "Yeah. You're pregnant and I'm taking you to a night club. How smart."

"I'll be fine, Niall," I muttered against his cheek. "If I have to run to the bathroom, I will. It's not that big of a deal."

"It is to me," he whispered, his breath tickling my ear. I leaned forward just a bit to kiss his cheek, but he moved his head quick enough that our lips connected. I smiled when he pulled back a little bit. He kissed my nose and I blushed. That boy would never stop giving me butterflies in my stomach when we touched.


"Hey boys!" I greeted the 4/5 of One Direction that wasn't clinging to my arm.

When they stopped talking to their girlfriends and turned to look at me, their jaws dropped.

"Can I help you?" I asked.

"Mother of..." Harry trailed off, lowering his sunglasses off his face even though it was pitch black outside. Kate smacked the back of his head.

He shook his hair out and glared at her before saying, "Don't mess up the curls."

"You're a big boy," she said. "You can fix them."

We all laughed before Louis drove us to the club. On the way there, we all just made small talk. With the occasional Harry-staring-at-me-and-Kate-smacking-him situation.

When we got out of the van, I could hear the bass drop from outside of the club. I walked hand in hand with Niall up to the bouncer.

"Hey, it's One Direction!" the bouncer said. "Go right on in!" Niall and I let all the others go in before us.

Before we got in where it was too loud, I told Niall, "You're only allowed one beer."

"I swear I will not drink a drop of alcohol tonight," he told me, making an 'X' over his heart with his fingers.

"Thank you," I said. "Now let's go get our funky on."

We headed straight for the bar, sadly.

"Can I have two waters?" Niall asked the bartender.

"On me," he said, sliding two glasses down the bar.

"Thank you," Niall said as he grabbed the two glasses. He handed one to me, and I downed it while he took civilized sips.

Niall laughed at me and said, "Whoa, slow down!" I glared at him which made him laugh harder.

I turned around and saw people dancing. I wish I could move like them. The only dances I knew how to so were the Funky Chicken, the Running Man, Stop the Traffic, Let 'Em Through, and Pat the Dog, Screw the Lightbulb.

All Or Nothing (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now