Chapter 30

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Hey friends!👋 How are you doing this festive season?🎑

As for me, I've lost my phone and it's switched off now. So, there's minimal chance to retrieve the phone 😭

I'm so so so so sad 😥

Anyway, the chapter was hand-written already and I completed the rest by logging in on my father's phone.

Please, read, love and comment on your views of the chapter 😊


'Why did you sleep with Eshaanvi and not your husband last night?' Jayanthi Pereira said, boldly.

'Excuse me!' Rahul asked spitting annoyance.

I, too, was shocked. How could she ...?

'I'm sorry if you feel it's some kind of intrusion in your conjugal privacy.' the lady shrugged shamelessly. 'But, Raji...' she looked at Rajeshwari Aunty; '...there's definitely something offbeat about your son and daughters-in-law. First, Kavya didn't have lunch yesterday and then, not sharing the bedroom. Any cute fight between you two?' she smiled looked at me in particular.

I clutched the spoon tightly, containing my anger. After all, she is Aunty's friend and also an elder.

'Aunty, actually it's me who urged Kavya to..' Eshaanvi tried to put on a story but was cut off by her brother.

'What's your interest if that's so?' Rahul asked curtly, looking at Madam Magistrate.

Oh no! He definitely wasn't a man of courtesy.

Madam Magistrate rose her brows, as if trying to be sure about Rahul's words.

'Rahul, that's not how you speak to your elders!' Uncle said seriously. 'Respect the guest of your house.'

My heart pounded knowing things were getting worse.

'Fine.. I'll not.' Rahul slightly pushed his plate and left the dining furiously.

'Anna! Listen...'

They all tried to call but he didn't turn back.

Aunty looked at uncle helplessly. 'Couldn't you wait till he had his breakfast.'
She was visibly sad. While making the idlies, she had told me how she fed idlies to Rahul in his childhood despite him hating it. She was so happy about making those for her son.. but..

'I must say, Rahul's attitude completely changed after he got a chance in the Indian cricket team.' Madam Magistrate said, adding salt to the injury.

'It's not that, Jayanthi.. he just likes a private life.' Rajeshwari Aunty tried to defend her son. Her voice had no hope, no strength. I felt so sad for the person I perceived as a strong woman. Probably, they are right. All changes when it comes to your children.

'Private and all! He doesn't seem to bond with any of you! Lokesh ji, you, Kavya..none.' the lady further criticized, looking at Rajeshwari Aunty.

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