Chapter 14

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I felt almost a hard slap on my face in the form of water. But, the good thing was...that kinda hit the point where it was needed.

I tried moving my fingers. Yes! I could do it. My eyes opened slightly. Ugh! The light hurts!

Slowly, I clenched my fist, gathering some energy and opened my eyes.

I laid on the bed. The hotel bed. I blinked to get rid of the hazy vision.

Mayank, Deepak, Khushed were standing by my bed with concerned faces. There was another man that I didn't know.

'She opened the eyes!' Deepak said to Mayank, who nodded and leaned. 'Kavya!'

I looked around and realized the time. I must've bothered the team proceedings unintentionally.

'You all..' I muttered and tried to sit up on the bed, in embarrassment.

'Keep laid, dear.' the fourth man said, coming to my aid. I realized he had a BP kit with him.

They must've called a doctor!

'Kavya, you're feeling better?' Mayank asked with concern.

'Uh...I..when did you all come? And your match?' I asked, not knowing what had happened.

'Relax, Kavya! Our match still has an hour and a half to go. You don't have to worry about that.' Deepak said.

'Hmm..and Doctor said your BP went too low for some reason and that had caused the faint.' Khushed said, pointing to the doctor.

'I fainted?' I asked, trying to process.

'You lost the senses to be precise.' the doctor said. 'But, don't worry! Your pulses are running at its rate now. Don't skip your feels and forget stress.' the doctor suggested with a smile.

I forced a smile as the word 'stress' reminded me of every crude reality in my life.

'Yes, doctor. We'll make sure she does as you say.' Mayank said, giving me a look of warning.

I smiled.

'So...any problem, you're facing now, dear?' the doctor asked, scribbling something on a piece of paper.

'No. Nothing as such. Thank you, doctor.' I said, truthfully.

The doctor smiled. 'Fine then. I prescribed some vitamins and calcium. That's my number. Do call me if you feel weak.' the doctor said, handing me the paper.

As he attempted to leave, Khushed accompany him out, as a courtesy.

Silly me! I couldn't even thank the doctor!

I tried to sit up, with the strength of my elbows but Mayank held my arm.

'Kavya, didn't you hear what the doctor said!' he said frowning. 'Take rest for now. I guess the whole team knows about your situation now. Don't worry!'

I smiled. 'That's really sweet of you, Mayank!' I said, lifting myself a little and leaning my back on the headrest of the bed.
'But, working makes me happy.'

'And we can see what your happiness did to you.' It was Deepak Hooda who spoke now. 'You had a low blood pressure, Kavya and your pulses weren't too active when we checked first. Thank God! We were there on the right time and did the emergency assistance.'

Emergency assistance!

Then it struck me! Wasn't I on the floor the last time I remembered? Yes, I was on call too!

'Uh..the last I remember I was laid at the floor! Did you guys pick me up from the floor?' I asked, gulping in embarrassment.

'Oh no!' Mayank said. 'You were already on the bed when we came. First we didn't understand either. But, then Deepak got the BP kit and we knew what was wrong. We called Khushed immediately and he told us about the acupressure thing.' he explained.

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