Chapter 22

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Hey everyone 👋! Sorry for a late update!
I'm recovering from Covid 🤒 and that had messed my schedule up.

This chapter may seem a little boring 😴 but I assure the things if getting interesting soon...

Araina 💛


The party! The buzz! The joy! The plans! The excitement! Everything came to a standstill.

The ambulance siren, mixed with the police siren got everyone frozen in their places. Mayank held his wife Aashita's hand, still trying to process the whole thing.

'Get up, Rahul! Get up!' Deepak nudged him. The attendants had checked him and guessed he was fine, only intoxicated over the limit.

Rahul groaned.

'Rahul bhaiya! Get up!' Arshdeep, who had somehow managed to zip up and button Rahul's pants called him. This jacket laid somewhere in the bed and the waistecoat flung open, alongside the buttons of his shirt.

'Please, get him up, boys! The police is here! I really don't know what will happen now!' a seemingly nervous Avinash Singh said.

'Sir, we urged you not to distort any evidence. Don't touch him.' an attendant, who was examining Kavya warned.

'No, you are mistaken. He has nothing to do with..' Mayank tried to say but the attendant cut him off.

'Let the police come, Sir. They'll decide.' he said. 'The girl had lost a lot of blood. You all should have informed us earlier.'

'We are so extremely sorry!' Avinash Singh said. 'Actually, we had no idea until the sweeping staff called us.

Rahul's head buzzed with various sounds from around.

'Rahul!' Deepak saw him move. 'Please, get up. Look what happened to Kavya!' he said.

Rahul's mind processed the words. 'Kavya!' he muttered in his sleep.

'Rahul!' Athiya, who just woke up and learnt of everything ran to her boyfriend. She was perplexed to say the least.

Rahul's eyes opened and looked at the worried faces of people around him.

'What happened? Thiya?' he tried sitting up, even though it ached his back.

'Easy..!' Deepak held him, ignoring the suggestions.

'Move aside.. ' the hospital attendants and nurses covered the ravaged body of Kavya with a white sheet and put her on a stretcher.

'What happened? Who?' Rahul asked, looking at the sight before him confused. 'What's going on?' he said, trying to remember things.

'Rahul... Kavya..' Deepak said and then stopped looking down, controlling his bulk of emotions.

'Kavya? What happened to her? Why are they carrying her out this way?' Rahul tried to get down restlessly, but Deepak and Arshdeep held him.

'Don't go there. They are taking her to the hospital. She..she has been raped.' Athiya spoke as tears rolled down her eyes.

Rahul froze on spot.


Khushed was shaking in shock. He has known Kavya from the days of KDAH. He never thought he'd come across her in such state.

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