Chapter 1

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Hey friends! It's Araina👋 and I'm here to begin the first chapter of this story📖...but, before that HAPPY belated BIRTHDAY to KL RAHUL🎂🎈🎉! Too bad PK's bowling side couldn't manage the last smile 😪 I wish him a very happy and healthy life ahead 🏏🔮😊❤

So, without further ado, let's start our new story 'Overlooked'. Like my other book(s), I might be giving my intro before each chapter in Bold+Italic. The story would majorly follow Kavya's P-O-V, written in regular font. The occasional third person narration would be written in Italics.
The flashback quotes would be in bold fonts.


Kavya was late that day. It was past 7:30 when her shift closed. She closed the 1366px × 768px screen of the Apple iMac in her reception desk and completed the formalities one would do before leaving the seat. Purnima, the night shift receptionist was already here. Kavya and her exchanged their regular gestures before Kavya left for the lift. There were two strangers inside already. Perhaps, due to the stress her eyes bore the whole day, she couldn't see their faces clearly but their presence gave her a eerie feeling. It was 7:30 and it wasn't usual for a busy hospital like KDAH to bear only three people in their staff lift. Moreover, Kavya couldn't even remember seeing them before. They had weird clothes, something resembling the fashion of 1970s.

The lift went down and the door opened. Kavya peered through the gap to find a familiar face. May be, Eshaanvi would be there. No, but she did see few familiar faces who threw her smiles before getting inside the lift. Kavya was relieved. The lift seemed crowded. She turned around to search those unfamiliar faces again but she couldn't, probably, the crowded lift played the part here. The lift jerked a little, making everyone gasp. Kavya held on to the wall next to her closing her eyes.

But, beyond her apprehensions, she came down, now making her way to find her car in the parking. Strangely enough, it was nowhere to be seen. Kavya was surprised. She looked around to find the security Babu but he wasn't seen anywhere either. Kavya didn't realize when her heart started pacing. It was 9 already. She had to reach home. Her family was waiting. Who knows what they must be thinking about her being late?

Her feet started dragging her. She wanted to run home. But, as she reached near the big streetlight , her eyes shockingly spotted two large shadows on the wall following her. Kavya felt the same eeriness that she felt at the lift.

Were those the same people? Her pace increased but she could feel them chasing her.

Cab! She could call one! But, no cabs were seen making a move at the roads Andheri West at 12 o'clock midnight. She heard them laugh. They were indeed after her!

She ran fast not caring what people are going to say. But, they chased her. Kavya now screamed for help.

'Help! Help! Please, anyone?' She screamed as the tears rolled down her eyes.

They laughed. 'You should have thought of that before crossing your boundaries, woman...' the harsh voice said. Kavya's body froze..her legs hurt.

They laughed. 'You should learn that no woman stays out late at night, princess..' there was other menacing voice.

Kavya was too scared to face them. She knew her end was near. Her eyes spotted the ditch her legs approached. She gasped. Either she falls down or the two strangers catch her alive. Kavya closed her eyes calling forcan unknown divine help.

She could feel their hands trying to grab hers as her feet were dragged towards the ditch by themselves.

'Help...please..' she screamed. Kavya hated taking help from people, unless she trusted the person with her heart. But, tonight it was so different.

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