Chapter 29

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'Rahul!' Bhavna walked towards the door surprised.

Rahul smiled nervously.

'Am I dreaming?' Bhavna said, looking at Eshaanvi.

Eshaanvi shook her head. 'That's the best thing I could get for you all from Mumbai.' she said.

'Esh, you're here...?' Mrs. Lokesh, too, frize at the sight. It was her only son standing at the door, nervously seeking for his mother's reaction.

'Rahul...!' Rajeshwari Lokesh muttered, as her eyes filled with tears of happiness.

'Yes, mom! I brought your son with me! Surprise!' Eshaanvi said getting inside and holding her mother's arms.

As much as Kavya was overwhelmed by the scene, she knew the level of awkwardness her presence would lead to the scenario. Before, anyone could realize, Kavya stepped back... slowly backing herself to her and Eshaanvi's room.

'Mom! You look so weak!' Rahul said spitting his emotions. Mrs. Lokesh held his son my his arms and examined him with her heart.

'Did you look at yourself though?' she asked. 'My handsome son looks so pale and thin!' she said.

'Have you heard a son getting healthier while staying away from his mother?' Rahul said cupping his mother's face. 'But, don't worry! I'll stay sone days. I'm sure you will get me back to my old shape.' he said smiling emotionally.

'Rahul!' his mother muttered bursting into tears holding her son. 'I've waited do long for you..'

Rahul hugged his mother tightly.

Eshaanvi cleared her throat. '.... so, you stole all my limelight, huh Anna?' she joked.

Rahul scoffed. 'Come..join..' he motioned pulling Eshaanvi in the hug.

'And what do I get for staying with you every time?' Bhavna faked her annoyance.

'Alright... there's enough space.. ' Eshaanvi said as she and Rahul pulled Bhavna in too.

Rajeshwari Lokesh has never happier in a long time.

'Wow Raji! What a scene! You didn't tell me Rahul was coming too!' Madam Jayanthi Pereira entered the scene.

The four broke the hug and looked at the fifth person standing before them.

Rahul and Eshaanvi looked at Bhavna surprised. Bhavna gave them a look of helplessness.

'Oh... well, he kinda surprised us.' Mrs. Lokesh wiped her eyes. 'Rahul, Eshaanvi! Remember Jayanthi Aunty! She came yesterday and is gonna stay with us for some time.' she gave the clues to her kids in advance.

Rahul had always despised such people. Right from the childhood, this lady always compared between Rahul and her son Benjamin. When Rahul chose cricket over academics, she was one of the leading people who brainwashed his parents that academics is the only way out to make a 'reputed' name. And that ultimately lead to the reason of his rift with ....

'You should've expected better, Raji. It was different earlier. Now, he has his house wife in the house. He must've been so eager to meet her..' Madam Magistrate chuckled, much to the dismay of Bhavna and Eshaanvi.

However, the line hit Rahul differently. Unlike others, he did see Kavya slowly walking away. Even though Rahul knew that the action avoided much discomfort, he also couldn't accept the fact Kavya actually walked away from the scene after watching him. Nobody feels good if someone gives you such cold vibes upon your entrance.

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