Chapter 2

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Hey guys! I know some of you might be bored with the details on Kavya's past but I had to provide it to trace it to her present. From the end of this chapter, the two books would have a parallel narrative and would compliment each other. Please...Please share your views on it..


I cannot say that my life took an 180 degree turn since that day but it did take a turn of 90 degrees.

I tried speaking for myself and be happy. I took the decision to look for a job.

They objected but then, I calmly asked my father of he'd sat the same if I were his son! Was me being born as a girl my fault?

Finally, after a big family meeting, I was allowed to work. But, my family made sure I worked keeping the family values intact. I'm barred from staying outdoors after 7, dress in western outfits, going to parties, eating non veg and of course, hanging out with a male company.

But, just as I joined my job...I met different people with different interests. I met Tanya, Meghna and Suraj who had so different thoughts about life!

Tanya celebrated her engagement in a big party. It was the first party I attended. It felt so liberating. There was dance, food and people from every square of life. It felt so warming even to watch them laugh, tease and dance while standing alone with a glass of orange juice.

'You're alone?' A male voice made his presence felt beside me.

And it was the same day I met Rajesh. Rajesh was an entrepreneur. The had a nice talk the evening we met and we exchanged numbers as well.

Never in my wildest dream, did I expect the handsome man of such high rank to call me up 3 days later. But, he did. He asked me out for coffee. It was a Sunday afternoon.

I couldn't say him no. It was the first time that a man had asked me out and I never felt such attraction towards a man after Ashu.

Of course, my badi maa was too curious about where I was going while applying the compact on my face.

I was scared but then, I didn't want to feel scared. The zeal and determination within me pushed me to lie.

'Me and Nisha are going to the park.' I lied.

'Hm...but, go out with your dupatta draped well.' She said while spreading the whole cotton dupatta over my upper body.

I gulped. 'Okay...Thank you. Badi maa..'

'Get back before 7 dear..' she kissed me good bye with a smile.

I nodded with a nervous smile and quickly made my way to grab a cab.

My first date was like any romantic expedition. I still remember the butter nun and shahi paneer Rajesh ordered.

I was so happy. His handsome features, perfect smile and joyous aura took me to cloud nine. But, then he said...

'Um..Kavya, I understand girls like you prefer veg these days but what about your dressing? You're coming from a Puja or something..?' He chuckled.

Initially, I took his comment as a joke but then the more we met, the more he started picking on my dressing sense.

I started feeling low. It wasn't that I had a choice. My family would kill me if I try wearing shorter dresses or even jeans.

It was then that Nisha came into my aid.

'Ugh Kavya! No boy would take interest in an aunty like you. Come on dude, it's Rajesh Oberoy, the entrepreneur and it's his birthday in three months. You don't want to ruin things by wearing that cotton suit, right?' She explained.

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