Chapter 20

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Hey everyone! Araina here! How are you all doing?

It's been a while since we communicated. So, how's life treating you all? Mine sucks.. got a problem of neuropathy these days 😪

Are you watching India-England?

What do you think of this story? Please, feel free to share your opinions 😊

Also, thank you MehakMore523 for shoeing your love to both my stories ❤


'But, Kavya! I'm nervous! What if she scolds me away since I'm an opposition?' Eshaanvi went to her panic mode again.

'Esh.. come on! Why are you so nervous? It isn't like you are meeting your crush! Besides, I have only heard good about her..' I explained, somehow controlling my tone of thrill.

Eshaanvi showed me her crossed fingers as we headed to the 5th floor, near the room Ms. Zinta had lodged in.

'Here... Esh! This is the room! Just ... give it a knock..' I urged.

'Huh? But.. why me? Why can't you..?' Eshaanvi said, nervously.

'Hello girls! You're looking for someone?' the sudden female voice from behind, made both of us jump in shock.

Am I dreaming?

'What? You aren't looking for me, are you?' Ms. Zinta asked, smiling through the beautiful dimples in her cheek.

'It's really you?' Eshaanvi said, not being able to control her excitement.


20 minutes later

And all three of us laughed loud.

'Seriously, girls! I thought I'd have a boring day with all the executives but you two made my day.' Pz said.

'Oh no! The pleasure is all ours.. You are truly amazing, Pz.' I said, addressing her by the name she asked her to.

'Indeed, you treated us like you know us forever!' Eshaanvi said thrilled.

Pz chuckled. 'Actually, girls! You two made me more comfortable. And yes.. do not ever feel like you are alone and trapped woman in the squad of men. We are women, we are strong and we can sustain in any situation. We stand with one another? Right?' Pz held her fist for us.

Me and Eshaanvi fist bumped.

'Yes. We are thr fighters.' Eshaanvi said, gaining the spirit.

'We do stand for one another.' I said, showing my support.

'Cheers on the friendship, then.' Pz said.


The experience was so amazing. Pz always radiated positive vibes whenever I saw her on screen and off screen, she's even more vibrant.

I wished the boys good luck as they headed to the ground. MI were in their top form. So, this is definitely going to be a challenging one.

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