The Finals First?

Start from the beginning

"Tch. Not gonna give me a chance...? Fine..."

She looks at the other 3 members of our opposing team, and makes eye contact with Nora.

"Whaddya say we duke it out, Pinky Pie?"

Nora grins at the challenge. Or maybe the nickname?

"Sounds like a plan, Foe of the 3 Bears!"

-What in the hell is that nickname supposed to be?

"Running out of choices...!"

Ruby quickly eyeballs the final two choices, but before she can even speak, Blake and Ren silently disappear. It seems they wordlessly challenged one another...

"Ah...! Um... Well, alright Jaune!"

Jaune looks at Ruby. It is quite obvious the boy doesn't trust he will be victorious. And yet...

"Give me your all, Ruby!"

He stares her down with an infallible grin.

"So that's that... I guess we're beginning then-"

My words are interrupted by Igris holding a sword up behind me.

"Distracted in a fight against me? You take me too lightly, (Y/N)."

An overhead sword attack was what my loyal soldier had blocked. I turn my body toward my foe, but she has quickly pulled her sword... Spear? Sword-spear? But it's also a gun? How the hell do I describe... Anyways.

She pulls her weapon down and lowers herself to the ground, swiftly slashing at my and Igris's feet.

I had gotten pretty careless, so my legs are slashed, as are Igris's. However, were I not able to take more than a few of these attacks, I wouldn't be so careless.

My aura is still strong, and Igris almost instantly regenerates. He slashes horizontally, at a very low angle, forcing Pyrrha to immediately jump up from her grounded pose.

Skill: Critical Strike

With a slash of extraordinary power, I watch as Pyrrha falls... I lied, she wouldn't lose so easily. She blocked the attack with her shield, being sent flying backward. A shadow soldier I had kept beneath her appears from behind her the second she lands.

Skill: Shadow Exchange

I appear behind Pyrrha Instantaneously and immediately slice at the back of her neck, prepared to pierce her aura in one blow.

She lowers her body, and gravity is only just too slow, resulting in her ponytail being cut off.

The red locks fluttering into the air provides a momentary distraction, and she stabs at me. Distracted or not, I'm still faster than her.

Skill: Speed

I turn my body to the side, dodging flawlessly, before stabbing into her stomach.

The exact moment she processed her attack having failed, Pyrrha's shielded arm moved faster than an arm holding a heavy shield should be able to, and blocked her chest. She is once again sent flying.

Clearly she understands how dangerous my blows would be...

Skill: Dagger Throw

While she is still midair, I throw one of my weapons at her, and its blade quickly closes in on her.

Her feet land, and she uses her shield, once again, to deflect the flying weapon into the air. It bounces up. However, she hadn't been able to get proper footing after landing, so the force of the attack knocks her off balance. My speed skill is still active, so I appear in front of her almost instantly. She quickly attempts to slash at me, and I block it with my open hand, my gauntlets proving ever useful.

"It's over."

I stab at her navel, and her Aura rapidly declines. However, before her fight has concluded, Pyrrha gives me an eerie smile and drops her weapons. She uses one hand to hold back my blade, making her aura drop at a slower pace. However, I'm stronger, so it isn't as though this solves anything-

My aura gets cut in half, and the presence of a deadly weapon attempting to stab through the aura at my shoulder is all I can feel. I quickly reach behind me to grab the dangerous object, and it flies away before I can catch it.

Me having been distracted, Pyrrha is able to escape the blade at her stomach. Her aura is nearly cracked... Yet she escaped. What the hell happened?

She catches a knife, and gasps for breath as she stares into my soul. What a woman...

She used the deflected knife... Just like I did against Emerald and Mercury... Her semblance, of course.

I had expected this to be quicker, but Pyrrha practically seems ready to fight to the death... Well, she isn't the only one.

Such a heart-racing fight... It's very exciting. Matching the grin she gives me, my lips curl upward.

"Bring it the fuck on."


Wow. I actually did it.

I made a new chapter. After all this time... I'm so sorry, guys.

I'd like to offer some thanks to @shadowghosts67 for commenting during a mildly stressful week I was having, and encouraging me to continue. Ik you just happened to message me at the right time, but I still appreciate it.

I hope to continue at a more regular pace. I can't make any promises, I work 48+ hours a week... But I will attempt to make an effort! I hope you all enjoyed this read and I hope to deliver more. Thank you.

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