The Darkest Hour

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Taehyung was falling in and out of consciousness, but he could still feel every punch and kick. His ribs hurt too much to even breathe and he was coughing out blood, but they still didn't stop. He just prayed that his Kookie was saved before he dies. Kai was just watching Taehyung getting beaten up with a bored expression.

"You know what, this is getting boring. You are not even fighting back. It's like hitting a mannequin. What's the fun in that? I can't believe i left a 7* meal for this. Don't worry, I will end your suffering soon, so that I can go back to my meal." Kai said, fishing out a knife from his pocket. He walked towards a limp Taehyung, held up from both sides by two men, before roughly pulling his hair. He smirked, looking at the half dead man in front of him, before plunging the knife deep in his stomach with a sickening smile.

Taehyung felt the knife enter him, coughing out more blood. He felt the hold on his hands loosen as he stumbled and fell to the floor. He smiled thinking about his Kookie, while he slowly closed his eyes, welcoming the much needed slumber. The last thing he heard before he closed his eyes was his name being yelled and he knew his Kookie was safe.

Kai turned around hearing the sudden yell and was shocked to see an angry Namjoon and Suga there. He immediately yelled at his men to take care of them, while he tried running away from there, but halted at his steps as a sharp pain pierced through his leg and he fell to the floor clutching his leg. Yes, Namjoon had shot him, never was he this thankful for always keeping a gun in his car. No sooner had the gunshot sounded, than the men attacked them all at once.

Namjoon started shooting whoever came close to them, while Suga kept fighting with his bare hands. Somewhere along the way, Suga got hold of a rod that one of the men was carrying and started beating them up with it. Namjoon killed 4 of them, while Suga beat up 3. There were still 5 men left standing, but the remaining men didn't want to come forward in case they got shot. They didn't get paid enough to risk their lives and looks like the one who paid them was already on the floor screaming with pain. They looked at each other then at the two men standing in front of them ready to kill them at the slightest movement and decided to turn around and run out of the building saving themselves.

The moment the men ran away, Joon and Suga ran towards Taehyung. They were afraid to even touch him, fearing they would make his condition worse. Namjoon checked for his breathing and found he was still breathing, though barely. He signaled Suga to bring the car around while he tied his shirt around the stab wound tightly to cut off the blood loss. He turned his attention to a screaming Kai on the floor and walked towards him.

Kai kept backing away in fear seeing Namjoon coming towards him. Namjoon went closer to him before stepping on his wound making Kai scream in agony.

"Don't worry, I am not going to kill you. That honor belongs to Taehyung. Till then you can wait in fear thinking about your death." Namjoon said, before hitting him on the head with a rod, making him unconscious. He left Kai there, before calling his men to come to the location to secure him. He immediately picked up Taehyung in his arms and rushed out and laid Taehyung on the backseat before getting in himself, while Suga stepped on the accelerator.

"Faster Suga, he is losing his pulse." Namjoon said, holding Taehyung's hand. Suga increased the speed if that was even possible.

They both had tears in their eyes. Both were feeling incredibly guilty. They reached the hospital in no time and the hospital staff was already waiting with a stretcher since Namjoon had called ahead. Taehyung was placed on the stretcher and immediately taken inside the operation theater, while Namjoon and Suga followed behind.

Namjoon was staring at his hands which were covered in Taehyung's blood and he couldn't help but to feel angry. If anything happened to Taehyung, he won't be able to live with himself. Suga understood what his friend was thinking about, since he was feeling the same. He was even more worried about his other friends, especially Jungkook and Jimin. He didn't know how they were going to explain to others what happened. But he didn't have to wait longer to find that out, since he heard a familiar voice calling him. He turned towards the voice only to find his friends coming towards them.

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