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Jungkook was sitting in his class waiting for the professor to come. He could hear all the murmurs and the stares he is getting from his classmates. It's nothing new for him. He used to get all these stares in his old school too, the difference being those stares used to be of pity or disgust and these stares are of intrigue and jealousy. Everyone is intrigued by him. They all wants to know what's so special about him that Kim Taehyung himself stood up for him and warned the whole college to stay away from him. No one has been able to get any of the Bangtans attention no matter how hard they tried. So what makes him so different from all of them.

Jungkook just sighed diverting his attention outside the window when someone spoke to him.

"You know they all are talking about you right?" Minjae asked. Jungkook just nodded his head.

"You know if I were you I would stay away from the Bangtans especially Taehyung. I know they are a big deal here but trust me they are bad news, especially that Taehyung. You know he has been in so many fights, hell he even almost beat a guy to death on the very first day. And that's not the only trouble he has caused. The only reason he is still here and not kicked out of the college is because he is rich, if anyone else had done half the things he did they would have already been kicked out. I guess money is power. And you know he also has a reputation of being a playboy. He sleeps around but never commits. You know Jenny, the girl Taehyung slapped, well the rumor is that they used to be friends. She was in love with him but he just saw her as timepass. He even slept with her. But when Jenny confessed her love he told her that he isn't interested in her. Can you believe that?" Minjae finished talking. 

All the while Minjae was talking Jungkook was quiet. Jungkook already knows about the violence part since he has witnessed it himself and was scared of Taehyung in the beginning, although now his thoughts and feelings have taken a complete 360⁰ turn. Because the Taehyung that he had got to know is kind and caring and selfless but he also knows that Taehyung has a temper that he has seen twice by now. First was when he beat the shit out of a guy and then today when he slapped Jenny and he knows why he slapped Jenny but he doesn't know why he beat that guy, but knowing Taehyung he must have had a reason for that too. Yes, Jungkook's opinion on Taehyung has changed, if Minjae had told all this before he definitely would have believed every single word and stayed a mile away but not now.

"You know Minjae it's not right to judge a person without knowing them. No one beats a person without any reason. And if Taehyungie hyung did that he must have definitely had a reason. I am not condoning violence but the reason for violence is also important. If he is as bad as you say then everyone here should hate him but it's the complete opposite and about Jenny, I don't know what happened between them but I know that you can't force someone to love them. It's his wish whether or not to love and nobody has any say in it." Jungkook stated his opinion.

"I was just trying to look out for you Jungkook since you are my friend. You are a good guy who sees good in everyone but they are not good people Jungkook. I hope you listen to me because I don't want to see you hurt."

"Thank you for your concern Minjae but I can take care of myself and I would appreciate it if you don't talk bad about my friends in the future." After that nothing much was said. It was when the bell rang when Minjae spoke up again.

"So are you gonna go to the fresher's party? You told me you weren'tgonnago yesterday." Minjae asked.

"Well of course i am going since they are basically doing it because of me I can't really not go."

"You don't have to go if you don't want you know and if they are really your friends they would understand."

"I know they will understand but I do want to go since it's my friends party."

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