First Day Jitters

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"Yaah Kim Taehyung where are you going. We need to leave now if you don't want to be late".

"You go ahead chim, I will meet you in college. I need to go somewhere first."

"Yaah but where are you going. Aish this stupid never listens to me. Now I have to go alone on the first day."

Taehyung took off in his bike with a destination in mind. It wasn't long before he was standing in front of 2 familiar graves. He kept the white lilies on his mother's grave, her favorite and red roses on his father's. There was a time when he couldn't bring himself to stand here without breaking down but with time he has gotten used to it. But today standing in front of his parents grave he feels happy and content.

"Hey mom, hey dad, sorry I haven't been here in a while. I miss you guys. But don't worry about me. I am happy. Today I am starting my final year of college. Just one more year and then I will be taking over the company dad. The company that was your dream that you built with your hardwork dad. And now it is my dream too. I just hope that I can make you both proud. Anyways I have to leave now or else I'll be late. I'll visit again soon. I love you guys. Bye."

He was just about to leave when a sound stopped him. It sounds like someone is crying. He looked around and saw a boy in pink sweater. He couldn't see his face since he was facing his back. But from the way his shoulders moved it was clear that the boy was crying. He could feel the sadness and grief radiating from him and for some unknown reason he wanted to give him a hug. Before he could even process his feet was moving on its own volition. He took one white lily flower from his mother's grave and walked over to the boy. He stood behind the boy and looked at the grave he was sitting in front of. It read 'Jeon Yerin - Beloved wife and mother'. It must be his mother he thought.

He cleared his throat to gain the boys attention. Sensing someone's presence the boy turned around and his breath caught. For a second everything seems to be in slow motion. Taehyung has never seen someone so beautiful. I mean he has had his share of hookups with both beautiful boys and girls, but the boy in front of him was truly ethereal even though his eyes and nose were red and puffy from all the crying he still looked out of this world. Don't get him wrong he is not falling in love or anything he doesn't believe in that and neither he has time for it but that doesn't mean he cannot appreciate beauty when he sees one.

Realizing that he has been staring at the boy without saying anything he came out of his reverie and decided to speak up. "Hey I saw you crying and thought of giving this to you". He forwarded the white lily towards the boy and said "I thought you could give this flower to your mom I am guessing. I got this for my mom, it's her favorite and I remember it always made her happy. You should stay happy too. Seeing you happy will make your mom happy too. Anyways you can keep this." The boy hesitantly took the flower from him and before he could say something Taehyung said his goodbye and walked away leaving the boy behind. If only he had looked back he would have seen a beautiful bunny smile adorning the boys face.

Jimin has been standing near the college entrance for 10 minutes now and he is the first one to arrive. None of the Bangtans are here. It's day one and he is pissed off and to top it off some annoying fucker decided to make his day even more worse.

"Hey babyboy, you look damn hot. Are you waiting for someone. If you want I can give you company."

Yes Jimin was pissed off. "Listen you asshole I don't have time for your bullshit. You seem new here so why don't you do yourself a favor and fuck off if you value your life".

"Oo fiesty I like it. I like when they play hard to get. It makes it more interesting. I am Kang il seong by the way now why don't you tell me your name so we can get to know each other."

"What part of fuck off don't you understand. Ugh my whole day is ruined." Jimin turned around to walk off but before he could take a step someone grabbed his wrist and pulled him backwards. He turned around only to see the asshole with an annoying smirk on his face.

"Get your hands off me you fucking asshole."

"Now now is that anyway to talk to someone who hasn't done anything to you. All I asked was your name. Now is that so hard to tell. Since you don't want to tell me your name you leave me no other option than to find out by myself. And since you are turning me into the bad guy here I might as well be one  what do you say?"Saying this he pinned Jimin to the wall.

"What the hell are you doing. Let me go you asshole, I said let me go". Jimin kept struggling in his hold while the guy started leaning in. By now he was panicking. He closed his eyes tight shut and waited for the inevitable to happen. But nothing happened. All of a sudden he felt the hold on him was no longer there there. Jimin opened his eyes only to see Taehyung in front of him holding the guy in a chokehold. Jimin felt tears of relief flowing down his cheeks.

Taehyung had just arrived at college. He was just looking around for his friends when the scene in front of him made him see red. There was his soul mate struggling in a guys hold while the guy was about to kiss him. He immediately ran towards him and threw the guy away from him. He looked at Jimin and he could see he was shaking.

He slowly opened his eyes and he could see relief in his eyes and seeing him, Jimin started crying and that's when he lost it. Taehyung can endure anything but he can't see tears in his friends eyes and seeing the always sassy and bubbly Jimin crying he was feeling murderous right now. Seeing that Jimin is ok he turned his attention towards the guy who dared to touch his friend.

Taehyung can't tolerate when they say one bad word about his friends and this fucker here decided to get physical and force his friend. In a split second his fist connected to the guys jaw eliciting a sharp cry. Taehyung kept throwing one punch after another not even letting the other guy breathe. A small crowd was forming around them seeing their college heartthrob beating the living shit out of someone. It isn't anything new but seeing that it's just the first day and classes haven't even begun yet someone has already got on Taehyung's bad side got everyone gossiping trying to find out who the mystery guy getting beaten up by Taehyung is.

Taehyung on the other hand kept beating him saying "how dare you touch him" over and over. It wasn't long before all the remaining Bangtans arrived and was shocked to see the scene in front of them. Taehyung beating the shit out of someone and Jimin standing there with tears in his eyes. They immediately rushed towards Jimin and asked him what happened. Jimin hugged Jin tightly and started sobbing. By now they were even more shocked because they have never seen Jimin crying and it is breaking their heart.

"Jimin please tell us what happened?" It was Namjoon who asked the question. Jimin told them everything and by the time he finished all of them were boiling in anger.

"How dare that asshole. I will kill him." It was Jin who voiced now.

"Guys please stop Tae. He will kill him". Jimin said. They all knew that no matter how much they wanted the fucker to die they can't let Taehyung kill him. And if they don't stop him now that's exactly what will happen.

"Joonie, Suga, stop him". Jin said. Suga and Namjoon immediately got into action and went to stop the fight. They got hold of Taehyung from both sides trying to stop him.

"Tae, Tae that's enough. He will die. Leave him now."

"No Suga, leave me I will kill this bastard today. How dare he, how dare he touch Jimin."

"We know everything tae, but enough now. You have already beaten him enough. He will die if you hit him more. Listen to me Tae. You are scaring Jimin tae. Control your anger please". Namjoon pleaded with him. The mention of Jimin's name seemed to bring him our of the trance that he was in and he finally started calming down.

"What the hell is everyone looking at. The show is over. Get the hell away and someone call an ambulance for this garbage here." Suga yelled at the gawkers. Everyone immediately started walking towards their classes.

"Tae let's go get your hand cleaned. Come on guys let's go." Jin said. Jimin immediately went and hugged tae tightly. Taehyung hugged him back. They stood like that for sometime before moving away.

"Let's go chim." All six of them walked away unaware of a pair of eyes that was watching them in fear.

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