Fresher's Party 2

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"Where is Jungkook"? As soon as these words left Jimin's mouth everyone looked behind and sure enough he wasn't there. Taehyung started panicking and cursing himself. "How could I not notice that Kookie was not with me. How can I be so careless?" Taehyung thought.

 "Relax Tae, I am sure might be somewhere here." Jimin said noticing Taehyung's tensed expression. 

"You don't understand Jimin, Jungkook has anxiety. He doesn't like crowds. And I told him not to leave my side without telling me. He wouldn't just take off somewhere without telling one of us. I don't have a good feeling guys." Taehyung said with worry in his voice. After hearing that Jungkook has anxiety everyone was worried now.

 "There is no point panicking. Let's go and look for him. Jin, babe you stay with Jimin." Namjoon said. Jin just nodded. He was too worried to say anything while everyone took off in search of Jungkook.

Meanwhile Jungkook was cursing himself for not listening to Taehyung. He had come down with the rest of them when they saw Jimin on the floor. He could see his hyung was in pain. He just prayed that Jimin will be alright. Everyone was crowded around Jimin while he stood behind them in worry. That's when he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around only to see Minjae behind him. 

"HI Jungkook." 

"Oh, hey Minjae." Jungkook said turning his attention back to Jimin. 

"Uhm Jungkook can we talk please. I have something I need to tell you." Minjae said.

 "Huh, not now Minjae, whatever it is can we talk later. This really is not a good time." Jungkook said not paying attention to him.

 "It's really important Jungkook that I talk to you. Please it won't take much time." Minjae said trying to convince him.

 "Ok then tell me what you want to say." said Jungkook.

 "Uhm not here, there are too many people here. And it's too loud here. Can we go somewhere quiet?" Minjae asked. 

"Are you sure whatever it is it can't wait till Monday?" Jungkook asked not wanting to go anywhere with him. He was already anxious being down here with all the people. The only reason he is not panicking is because Taehyung is close to him. Even though he is not holding his hands just having him nearby gives him a sense of safety. So he really do not want to go anywhere. But he can't say no to Minjae either. Whatever it is that he wants to say, he looks kinda nervous about it. It must be important to him. 

"Please Jungkook, it won't take time. Just 5 minutes. Please.' Minjae said once again pleading. 

"Ok fine, let me inform Taehyung hyung first." Jungkook said turning around. Minjae started panicking. He didn't expect this. What if Taehyung tags along with Jungkook or worse yet what if he doesn't let Jungkook leave.

 When Jungkook turned around looking for his hyung, he saw them taking Jimin hyung towards the other side of the club. He wanted to go behind them, but he stopped himself. "Taehyungie hyung is busy with Jimin hyung now. I shouldn't worry him right now. It's just 5 minutes anyway." Jungkook thought. 

"Alright Minjae, you have 5 minutes make it fast." Jungkook said before following Minjae out of the club. 

Minjae took him through the back door which led to an alleyway. There wasn't a single person there save for few stragglers. Jungkook felt uneasy being there. It didn't look safe, although he was just standing by the club door.

 "Now say what you want to say Minjae, I need to get back inside." Jungkook said wishing to be with Taehyung as soon as possible.

 "Actually Jungkook, there is something that I've been meaning to tell you from day 1, but I just didn't have the courage. This might come as a shock to you but I really like you Jungkook. Ever since I saw you in my class I wanted to get to know you. I became friends with you in the hope that maybe we can be something more in the future. I know that we don't really know each other, but I really like you. Please give me a chance Jungkook, please be my boyfriend.?" Minjae finished talking. 

Crazy Love [Taekook]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz