Trouble in Paradise

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"I don't know what to say hyung. So much has happened and I never thought Minjae would do something like this." Jungkook said shocked at all the information he got. Taehyung had called his bunny as soon as he reached home and filled him in on everything. 

"Don't worry baby, I already taught him some good lessons which he'll never forget in this life." Taehyung said feeling proud. 

"Hyung please tell me you didn't beat him up." Jungkook asked even though he knew the answer. 

"Then did you expect me to shower him with praises for what he did. He should be glad I didn't kill him." Taehyung said getting annoyed.

 "Hyung you shouldn't have done that hyung, it wasn't his fault anyways, Jenny had blackmailed him too. He didn't have a choice just like me. So if he is wrong then I am wrong too, because I hurt you and hyungs just like he hurt me." Jungkook said reasoning with Taehyung. 

"Are you fucking serious Jungkook, are you really comparing what he did to what you had to go through. He was a coward who kept his mouth shut and let you get kidnapped just to save his own neck. He had no way of knowing what Jenny might have planned for you, for all he knew Jenny could have even killed you. Even after knowing that anything was possible and your life was in danger he still chose to play the role of innocent victim instead of telling the truth and accepting the consequences if the alternative is to lie and cause someone's suffering or worse death. And you are telling me he's fucking innocent." Taehyung shouted angrily. 

Jungkook got scared when Taehyung shouted at him. He knows Taehyung has anger issues and he had witnessed it first hand but this is the first time it was directed at him.

 "Hyung, I am sorry please don't get angry." Jungkook said in a small voice.

 "Then should I feel happy that my boyfriend is defending another guy in front of me and calling me wrong. If I am wrong to beat the shit out of the guy who betrayed your trust then so be it. I'll gladly be wrong a thousand times. I told you once before that I am very protective of the people in my life and I'll do anything to protect them and that includes you too. This is how I am and if you can't accept that then you are free to end this relationship but don't ever say that I am wrong to defend the people I love." Taehyung replied getting even more angry. Jungkook was in tears by now. He wasn't trying to defend Minjae and hurt Taehyung, but Taehyung took it the wrong way, that wasn't his intention at all. 

"What are you saying hyung? End the relationship, how can you even think that hyung? I am sorry hyung if I hurt you but believe me that wasn't my intention. I can't even imagine a life without you hyung, please don't talk like that." Jungkook said crying. 

Taehyung felt hurt. He couldn't bear to see tears in his bunny's eyes. But he knew that if their relationship has any chance of working then Jungkook needs to accept him the way he is, warts and all. Taehyung doesn't go around looking for fights but he's also not someone who stay quiet and let shit happen especially when it comes to the people he loves. It's a principle he lives by and he cannot change that about him. He needs Jungkook to understand that and accept it otherwise they'll face lot of problems in the future which he don't want. It's better to know what you're getting into beforehand instead of regretting it later and Taehyung doesn't want Jungkook to regret his decision to be with him later on. That would just destroy him completely. So he decided to show all his ugly sides and leave the decision to Jungkook. 

"So it's ok for you to talk whatever the fuck you want but I shouldn't say anything. You know what you just ruined my mood. I really don't want to talk to you right now incase I end up saying something I might regret. Goodnight Jungkook." Taehyung said before disconnecting the call while Jungkook just broke down sobbing. 

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