Caught In a Web

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Jungkook was running on autopilot. All he knows is that he needs to get to Taehyung. He had managed to get across the wall without being spotted by the guards. Thank god he had done this with Taehyung just that day. He didn't think he would be climbing the same wall twice in one day. His heart was hammering in his chest, with every passing minute his anxiety was also peaking. His ankle was hurting. He figures he must have sprained it while climbing down the wall. But he has no time to rest his feet, not when his absence could be discovered any moment. He kept looking back to make sure the guards were not behind him. In his eagerness to escape he didn't even carry his wallet with him. But there was no point in crying over spilled milk now.

He had been limping for a while now, the pain in his ankle slowing him down. For the first time in his life he wished he was living in the main part of the city and not a suburb, at least finding a taxi in the middle of the night would be easier if he was living in a city. When he couldn't stand the pain anymore, he decided to take a break. He went to a shop which was closed, but decided to sit on the doorstep for a while. He leaned back resting his head against the shutters and closed his eyes remembering his day with Taehyung. He was so happy then, oh how his day had taken a turn for the worst. The physical and mental exhaustion of the day was getting to him and before he knew it he had fallen asleep.

His sleep didn't last longer though. He was woken up by the sounds of shouts and footsteps coming his way. He quickly got up rubbing the sleep away from his eyes and went to crouch behind the alley near the shop. There were no streetlights in this alley making it a safer place to hide. He hid in the darkness watching as the footsteps were getting nearer. He could make out their words now. They were looking for him. There was no mistaking his guards from the uniform they were wearing. He hides himself more in the darkness, holding his breath, waiting for them to pass him by and to his luck they left after searching the area for a while and not finding him.

He came out making sure not to make any sound, not wanting to stay there for a second longer. He limped forward towards the main road, hoping to find a taxi, not looking where he was going and bumping into the dumpster. The dumpster crashed down making a loud noise in the eerie quietness of the night making a shiver run down his spine. The sound seems to reverberate through the night. He stood frozen on the spot afraid to even breathe. But he didn't have to wait long, because he could hear the sound of footsteps rushing towards him once again.

He took a deep breath to calm his heartbeats and started running, ignoring the burning pain that shot through his ankle. He didn't dare to look back. He knew they were just behind him from their voices. He didn't know how long he had been running now. He lost his way somewhere along the way, not really caring about which path he was taking, his only goal to get rid of the guards chasing him. He could still hear their voices, but it was very feeble, indicating that he had come far away from them, but he still didn't dare to stop, afraid they would catch up to him if he did. His legs and chest were burning, and he was gulping oxygen like he was drowning, but he still kept going.

The voices were now far behind. He strained his ears to figure out their location and decided that they were towards his right, so without thinking much he turned towards his left and ran into the road which was a big fucking mistake because he almost got run over by a car. The driver of the car had managed to press the brakes abruptly causing the car to come to a screeching halt, but still it wasn't enough since the bumper hit the person in front of the car. Jungkook fell down from the force, hitting his head on the sidewalk, even though the car didn't hit him that hard. He tried getting up, but he was dizzy. The last thing he saw before passing out was the shadow of a silhouette leaning over him, before he welcomed darkness.

The next time he woke up, he was on a bed, and it was late morning judging from the bright rays of the sun coming through the windows. He clutched his head feeling immense pain only to realize that his head was bandaged. He looked around trying to see where he was. It didn't look like a house to him seeing the walls were cement and the windows had shutters instead of glass. He was busy surveying his surroundings, when the door opened and in walked the person he never wanted to see in his life, 'Kai'. He was too shocked to say anything, the only thing that came out of his mouth was "You". Kai chuckled seeing his confusion.

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