Broken Promises

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"Why do you look so surprised Kim, don't tell me you didn't know who the father of your boyfriend is, but then again if you had known who i was, you wouldn't have shown your true face in front of me. You may have managed to fool my son, but not me and I'll make you regret your whole existence for daring to even look at my son."

Taehyung couldn't believe his eyes and ears. Oh what a fool he had been. Now that he thinks about it, all the clues were right under his nose and he missed it. Jungkook had mentioned he is the son of the business tycoon Mr. Jeon Jungwan when he had become friends with all of them. He remembers being shocked at the info at that time, but never gave it much thought. He knows who Jeon Jungwan is even though he had never met him. Hell, even his uncle had introduced him as Mr. Jeon at the annual business men's event, where he had another altercation with the said man. Even then his mind failed to make the connection and he can't believe his stupidity. And here he thought of making a good impression on his Kookie's father not knowing that he had already made an impression on him. For the first time in his life he regrets his actions and his short temper. There is no way in hell Mr. Jeon is going to allow his son to date him and just like that a sudden fear envelops him.

'Where is kookie? I didn't see him at all. Is he even in the house? Wait a minute, his father knows about us, is that why I couldn't reach Kookie since yesterday? Did he forbid Kookie from talking to me? No No No, I can't let that happen. I won't let him separate us.' Taehyung was lost in his thoughts, but Mr. Jeon's voice brought him back.

"Cat got your tongue Kim. Last time we met, you had quite a tongue on you. Now what happened? Where did all that arrogance and attitude go?" Mr. Jeon questioned him with a smug look on his face. Taehyung took a deep breath before, calming down his heartbeat before answering.

"Mr. Jeon, I apologize for the way I acted before. It wasn't personal. I know we got on the wrong foot, but that is not the real me and I hope you would give me a chance to show you that. I really love Jungkook Sir and he loves me too. And I hope you can accept our relationship and I am willing to do anything to prove that I am serious about him. So please give me a chance Sir."

"Wow, that was a pretty impressive speech. I can see you have a way with words, no wonder my son fell in your trap. He had always been an emotional fool, just say a few nice words to him and he will be wrapped around your finger. No matter how much I try to toughen him up, he keeps being a disappointment."

Taehyung balls his fists in anger hearing Mr. Jeon speaks about his own son in that manner, but he reigns in his anger. This is not the time to lose his temper. First he has to make sure his Kookie is alright and not crying in his room and for that, whether he likes it or not he needs his father's permission. So he swallows his pride once again before addressing Jungkook's father.

"Sir, I know you don't trust me, but believe me when I say that I have no ulterior motives. I love your son for who he is, not for who his father is or how much his bank balance is. Because trust me, even if he was penniless I would still love him the same as I do now and treat him like the prince he is. Please let me see Jungkook for once because I am sure he might be crying now and I can't see tears in his eyes, please."

Taehyung was almost on the verge of tears just thinking about his Kookie crying his heart out. He prays to God that his father allows him to at least see him once, but all his hopes came crashing down with Mr. Jeon's next words.

"Well shouldn't I be asking you that considering my son ran away from home to meet his boyfriend, which is you."

"Wh..what are you talking about? Kookie ra...ran from home, but why?"

"Because I was taking him with me to Japan, since I didn't want him to destroy his life with the likes of you. I thought a little distance will make him understand that what he feels for you is just mere infatuation which will fade with distance and time, but I guess my son has become more stubborn and is rebelling against his own father, thanks to your influence. He ran away from here at night and is now nowhere to be found, so I am guessing he is already with you. So i am asking you nicely, hand over my son by yourself and I'll let you live, if not you will die here today. Either way I'll take Jungkook away from here. So what is it going to be Kim?"

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