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"I can't believe it, that fucking bitch. I'll kill her. How dare she do something so cheap." Jin yelled in anger. 

Taehyung had called all the Bangtans as soon as he left Jungkook's home. So now here they were at Taehyung's apartment and he had just finished telling them everything, hence such reaction from Jin.

 "What else can you expect from someone like her. We made a mistake of not stopping her when she started coming after Tae, but not anymore. This time that bitch is going down and I'll personally book a one way ticket for her to hell." Jimin also said with anger dripping from his voice. 

They all were angry and why wouldn't they be? Even though it hasn't been that long since Jungkook came into their lives, he had become very important to all of them. They see him as their younger brother and Jin and Namjoon basically sees him as their child and they are very protective of him, so it wasn't a surprise  when Namjoon said "I don't know what you're going to do Tae, but whatever it is I will support you. Whenever you get angry and lose your temper I always stop you from giving into your anger, but not this time Tae, this time I am with you." 

Taehyung just nodded his head. Only he knows how he's holding himself back from ripping her throat out. The image of Jungkook sobbing hysterically, his red puffy eyes and the fear he saw in those beautiful bambi eyes, no matter how hard he tries he cannot seem to get those out of his mind. "You'll pay for every single tear that fell from his eyes, Jenny. I'll make you wish that you never met me in your life." Taehyung promised himself.

 "Whatever we do we need to be careful. We can't make any mistakes or else it's Jungkook's image that's on the line." Suga said warning everyone. 

"I won't ever let that happen Suga and like I told Kookie, you guys need to stay away from him when he's in college which means no interaction of any kind. If you see him, walk away or ignore him at all costs. We need to make Jenny think that Jungkook is doing what she told him to, until we get our hands on those photos." Taehyung advised his friends.

 "That's going to be really difficult, but we'll do it if that's what it takes." Jin said sighing sadly. 

"But what is your plan Tae, how are you going to get those photos from her?" Namjoon asked. 

"Well she likes kidnapping people and blackmailing them so much right, then why not give her a taste of her own medicine. But before that we need to find her accomplices who helped her in this." Taehyung said smirking.

 "That shouldn't be too hard, now that we know that Jenny is behind Jungkook's kidnapping all we have to do is follow the money trails to see whom she paid to do her dirty deeds. I can find that out. Give me two days." Suga said. 

"Then I'll execute my plan after two days." Taehyung said looking serious.

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Jungkook was nervous to go to college. He hopes everything will go alright. He knows he has to stay away from Taehyung and his hyungs, but atleast he get to see them, that's better than not seeing them at all. He's not scared of Jenny anymore, because he believes in Taehyung completely. For now he just decides to attend his classes, go home and wait for Taehyung to come see him like yesterday and that's the only thing that's getting him through the day. Jungkook was just passing through the corridor when someone pulled him inside an empty classroom and pinned him to the wall with one hand and covered his mouth with another. He closed his eyes shut in fear when the unknown person whispered next to his ears. 

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