Chapter 40: Death Eaters

Start from the beginning

Harry and I get maybe an hour of rest before I start to hear the noises outside change from cheering to screaming, and I stand up quickly to wake up Harry. I never fell asleep in the first place, my mind too on edge to allow sleep to take over.

"Harry, get up." I wake him up roughly. "Harry, there's a problem, you need to get up." He groggily stares at me, then hears the screaming and becomes more alert as I hand him his glasses. Thankfully, his wand is on the nightstand, so at least he won't be caught with the incriminating wand. Doesn't stop a determined Death Eater from stealing a different wand though. I strapped his wand to his leg as he starts to stand up, thankful he passed out before changing so he's ready to go. I hand him a regular muggle flashlight so we can see better in the darkness. "To the forest, come on." I pull him along into the woods, moving with the crowd away from the masked figures burning down tents. There weren't any muggles floating in the air, so that was a good sign something had changed, but I guess the muggles were just the decoration on their destruction in the story.

"What about the Weasley's and Hermione?" Harry asks as we move quickly together. "We need to find them." I look around for them as we're moving.

"They'll be moving to the forest too, I'm sure we'll find them there." I reassure him. "There! Ron!" I spot the tall gangly teen and then the bushy head of Hermione, but no twins or Ginny. We made our way to them, and I looked them both over for injuries. Ron looks like he just fell, but is otherwise fine.

"Where are the others?" I ask them urgently.

"We were just with them, we got separated when Ron tripped." Hermione reports quickly.

"Right, stick with me then, and no getting separated. If you fall again, call out and we'll all stay together. Let's move a little further in." I shove my flashlight into Ron's hand so he can see better. 

I figured we would have seen Draco by now, I remember him being here in the forest in the stories, but there's no sign of him, which is probably good. I led the group to stick with the masses until we found an open clearing away from the campsite and let them rest. 

I climb up in a tree to get a vantage point view of the events, and watch as the Death Eaters were fighting against the Aurors in the distance. I couldn't see individuals from this far away, but hoped that everyone I knew was ok out there.

"MORSMORDRE!" We all turn and hear a deep voice yell about 100 yards away to our left.

"Stupefy!" I point my wand in that direction and send out a stunning spell, hoping I hit the target. I jumped down from my tree and stopped the trio from getting closer though, not wanting them at the scene before the Aurors all arrived. 

I could see the Death Eater's fleeing once the mark was in the sky, and we could all hear the loud popping sounds of several people Apparating over to the scene of the new crime. I keep the trio away until I spot Dad and Remus over there, along with Arthur and Amos, and then lead them over slowly.

"Dad." I call out to get his attention, and several people to turn to us. "There was a deep, male voice in this direction who cast the spell. I shot a stunning spell this way, I don't know if it caught the culprit. They could be cloaked." I hint to him and his eyes widen.

"Homenum Revelio." Dad points his wand to the surrounding area, but no one appears from his spell. He tries a few others, one of which works and sadly reveals the house-elf of Crouch. 

The whole scenario goes down the same as the stories, only this time Winky the house elf isn't caught with a wand. I'm guessing Barty Crouch Jr got away with the wand and that my stunning spell hit her instead of him. Crouch Sr still dismisses her though, simply for being here when she was supposed to be in the tents, which pissed off Hermine. I know the elf really got dismissed because she lost Junior, but what's done is done now, and no amount of our arguing was going to solve that, so I decided to pick my battles and leave this one be.

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