my paradise

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Your point of view:

I outstretched my arms over the bed only to feel Jason's side cold and unoccupied. I groaned, rolling onto my back and rubbing my eyes with my fists.

I managed to pull myself out of bed and done up the buttons on Jason's dress shirt that I wore to bed last night. I let out a sigh of exhaustion, yawning as my feet padded towards the bedroom door and out into the hallway.

I ran my fingertips along the finely painted walls as I made my way over to the staircase and walked downstairs into the foyer. I made my way into the kitchen and grabbed a glass from the cabinet next to the refrigerator. I poured myself a glass of water from the water dispenser that was built into the fridge.

After I was finished with the glass, I rinsed it out and left it in the sink to be washed properly in the morning. I lifted the window shutter, looking outside to see the night sky. Instead of seeing stars illuminate the night sky, I see clouds, thick and grey occasionally letting out sapphire coloured cracks that flashed big and bright, letting of an intimidating roar.

I whimpered at the sound and dropped the window shutter back into place. I made my way out of the kitchen and back into the dark foyer. Lightning surged through the obscure corridors as I turned to the hallway which only held one single room. Jason's office.

I continued walking as I tried my best to block out the sound of the low grumble of thunder. I finally reached the blackened double-doors that lead to Jason's office and stopped. I ran my fingertips along the wooden door before my hand landed on the handle.

Slowly, I pulled the door open and stepped inside. Jason sat in his office chair, twirling the lighter he held in my hand as he read over one of the many documents that were scattered on the surface of his desk.

He scoffed over reading something on the papers and flipped open his lighter, gently holding them in the small flame. The fire danced it's way up the sheets as Jason stared in reverence. Without taking his eyes off of the flickering blaze, he got up out of his chair and made his way over to the lit fireplace. He bent down to be level with the hungry flames and looked over the paper once more before smirking and carelessly throwing the document in for the fire to devour.

He brushed off his hands and pushed himself back up. He turned back around to go back to his seat and met my eye. A lopsided grin etched on his face as he licked over his lips and shoved his hands into his pockets. He began to make his way over to me, the grin never leaving his lips.

Once he had reached me, he pulled his hands out of his pockets, one hand taking hold of mine as the other slid around my hip and to the small of my back. Without even uttering a work, he pulled me close enough so I could feel his minty breath hit my face.

His hazel eyes traveled from mine, down to my nose, my cheeks and finally my lips as he let go of my hand and brought up his own to cup my face. I pressed my hands to his chest as he pulled me in closer, his breath drawing in more, becoming warmer, the air he exhales moistening my lips.

Jason licked over his lips as he leaned in and lightly brushed his lips over mine, giving me a sensation of both pleasure and relieve even though our lips had not quite interlocked into the more passionate kiss I hoped for.

I began to yearn for his touch, I wanted the feeling of his lips moving in a perfect rhythm to mine, I wanted to feel him hold me in his pleasant embrace.

Just as I was about to push myself onto my tiptoes, Jason pulled away, chuckling at the sight of my pouted lip.

"Patience, kitten," he murmured as he moved his hand back to my hip, rubbing soothing circles with the padding of his thumb.

I groaned lightley, biting down on my bottom lip as I ran my hands through his hair. Again, he chuckled as he pulled me into his office and closed the door behind me.

I thought then that he'd lead me back to his desk so he could finish off with his work but was mistaken when I was pressed up against the wall. Jason smirked down at me as he pushed himself up against me and brushed his lips over my ear.

"So innocent," he murmured, hardly a whisper as shivers jolted through my spine.

I barely had time to respond before he pushed himself off of me and took my hand in his. He led me towards his desk and took a seat on the plush, leather seat and pulled me down into his lap, my legs on either side of him so I straddled his waist.

The room was now pitch black aside from the dim lighting from the fire place. The flickering flames reflected perfectly off of his eyes, off of his flawless skin giving it an illumines glow.

From the time it took whilst looking over Jason's features, he'd had a new found interest in my hair. He loosely wrapped the strands around his fingertips, holding it for a second before springing his finger loose and watching the hair fall back into place.

He'd then moved his gaze to my eyes watching intently for what felt like hours but was only mere seconds.

"I love you," I murmured as my hands once again scaled his chest "I love you so much."

"I know you do, baby. I love you too." He smirked, the words that rolled off of his tongue sounding like music to my ears.

A small etched on my lips as I leaned in close wanting to finally feel his lips on mine. I paused though, not knowing whether on not he'd want me to continue. Jason hummed as he lightly brushed his nose along mine for reassurance.

Then I finally kissed him. It was slow, passionate but still lustful. I didn't want this moment to end, it felt amazing, it felt so right, it's the feeling I always yearn for.

It was my paradise.

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