meeting the family

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You stepped off the plane and immediately inhaled the scent you knew all to well. The smell of your home country, the Netherlands. It was so beautiful and you were finally bringing Justin to meet your family here. You guys couldn’t find the time to workout a trip because both of you were busy with your music. The time had come and you guys each had about 3 weeks off of work so you figured you would come home for a couple of days so you could introduce Justin to your family. 

It was around 10pm when you guys arrived at your home. You were both so tired but you were so excited to surprise your family. They didn’t know you were coming home at all, let alone bringing Justin, so it was all so exciting for you. 

“I’m nervous. What if they don’t like me?” Justin said.

“J, of course they’ll like you.” you said, kissing his cheek.

He held your hand and smiled before you guys got out of the car. You grabbed your bags and walked up the doorway and knocked on the door. It took a while for someone to finally answer the door but when the door opened, you saw your mother and her reaction. 

“Y/N!” she screamed and pulled you into a hug. 

Your siblings must have heard your mom scream because they ran downstairs and started screaming as well when they saw you. You greeted all of them and said hello before introducing Justin. 

“You guys, this is my boyfriend Justin.” you smiled, hugging his arm. 

“Hello.” he said softly, smiling at all of them 

He introduced himself individually to all of them, having a conversation with each and everyone of them. Then it came to your cousin. She was your age and had no idea you were dating Justin. She loved him. He introduced himself to her as she was silent and starstruck. 

“Y/N, you never said anything about Justin being your boyfriend.” she said to you after Justin had gone on to talk to other people. 

You giggled. 

“Yup, he’s mine.” you smiled. 

“I’m so jealous. He’s so nice.” she said. 

You smiled at her before going to sit down on the couch beside Justin. Everyone was speaking Dutch, including you. Justin just sat there, smiling. Completely unaware of what was going on. He was so cute that way. You kissed his cheek because you could tell he felt a little uncomfortable not knowing the language. 

“Hey guys? English around Justin please.” you said. 

They all laughed. 

“Sorry, Justin.” your mother said. 

Justin began having a conversation with your mom and dad, so you went upstairs to put your things in your room. You were so happy to be home. You were also so grateful that everything worked out. You knew that the whole family was going to be together tonight but you weren’t sure if you guys could make it in time. Everything worked out and you couldn’t be happier. You started to go downstairs when you heard your name being said. 

“And then she dropped the cake in front of everyone!” your aunt said, telling an embarrassing story about you to Justin. 

You gasped running downstairs. 

“No! Don’t tell him stories!” you said to her. “Don’t listen to them, Justin.”

He laughed. 

“No, keep going please. These are hilarious.” he said, laughing uncontrollably. 

You sat there for another 20 minutes while several humiliating stories about you were shared with Justin. You didn’t really care though. Justin made you so happy and you were so happy he could meet your family. He was everything to you. You didn’t care if he heard embarrassing things about you, he wouldn’t judge you for anything. 

“So, how did you guys meet?” your mom asked.

Justin smiled at you. 

“Well, Scooter is my manager and he’s also Y/N’s manager. So one time, I was stopping by his office to go over some things for my new album and she was in there talking to him. I knocked on the door and she turned around and I was absolutely stunned. She was so beautiful.” he said, looking at you again, putting his arm around you. “And then I knew I had to talk to her. So we chatted and eventually went on a date and the rest is history. I love her so much.” he said, kissing the side of your head. 

They aww’d in unison while you blushed deeply and buried your face into Justin’s chest. He laughed and rubbed your back. 

“You’ve got a keeper.” your dad says. 

Everyone laughed and smiled. You gave Justin a reassuring smile before kissing his cheek. You leaned up to his ear and whispered, 

“See, I told you they would like you.”

He smiled down at you and kissed your forehead.

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