Fan teasing

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*Your POV.*

I sat on the couch watching T.V when Justin came home from playing hockey. Gotta love his Canadian pride and heritage. Seeing as I was getting over a cold Justin felt as though me in a cold ice rink would not help and told me to stay home and he would bring Za to accompany him and cheer him on.

"How was the game?" I asked as he walked over pecking me on the lips before sitting next to me. His face still had a pink hue to it from all the exercising he had just done.

"Good, we won." He smiled brightly at me.

"Well they did have an unfair advantage of having a Canadian on their team." I teased and he laughed. He loved sports but seeing as hockey was the first sport he competed in, he always had a special love for the game. He rubbed his left shoulder wincing slightly.

"You hurt yourself?" I asked.

"No I just forgot how tiring hockey is." He said before slowly rising. "I'm going to take an ice bubble bath to relax my muscles." He said pecking my lips.

"Okay enjoy." I smiled at him before he walked upstairs to the bathroom. I returned to my show watching it when I heard Justin call from the bathroom. I got up and walked into the bathroom to see justin smiling with bubbles plastered on his face like a beard and mustache.

"Since you don't like my stache, how's this one?" He giggled at me. I hated his mustache, it looked so gross on his handsome face, but I couldn't help but laugh at my 20 year old boyfriend acting like a 4 year old.

"Why are you wearing gold jewelry in the bath?" I asked taking in his glinting jewelry.

"Because the make me feel manly." He said moving bubbles around.

"Oh yeah, because bubble baths and beards don't scream manly." I laughed. I put the lid of the toilet down so I could sit.

"Grab my phone please." He asked.

"Oh no, you are not dropping this one in the bath tub too." I said teasingly.

"I don't need it, you do." He said looking at me.

"Why. I have my own phone." I said sliding my phone from my pocket holding it up so he could see it.

"Take my picture." He said seriously.

"Justin, no." I sternly said. I did not want people seeing my naked boyfriend, and the media would explode which is something he didn't need.

"Please, I want to tease my fans." He smirked. I don't understand how his fans don't choke him. I mean, he teases them with music and videos, now teasing him with the fact that he is naked.

"Why are you so mean to your poor fans?" I asked looking at him.

"I'm not! They like it when im almost naked, and I am naked, but don't worry ill cover up my little buddy here." He said moving what was left of the bubbles over his crotch obscuring the view of his penis.

"Justin, your fans don't want to be teased anymore." I smiled trying to stick up for his fans who were patiently awaiting his new album.

"Next week they are getting a video, so there." Justin said. "Now please take the picture before these bubbles fall off my face and these bubbles disappear." He said moving more bubbles over his crotch.

"Fine, but you can put it on your shots page, I don't want people thinking I'm a perv."

"Fine, just take the picture." I sat back down and Justin smiled as I snapped the picture.

"Wait we have to take another."


"Your dick is showing." I calmly said smiling wide. He looked down and moved remaining bubbles over his crotch before flashing a smile. I snapped the picture showing it to him for his approval.

"Okay when you get out you can post it, because I don't trust you with my phone near water." I smiled walking back down stairs. Less than twenty minutes passed and Justin plopped down on the couch next to me.

Phone please." He said holding his hand out palm up. I handed him my phone and he signed into shots before posting the picture.

"My fans will love this." He smirked. Not even 5 minutes later and twitter and tumblr were blowing up as his fans freaked over the picture. I read a lot of comments asking for no bubbles and how sexy he was.

"See I told you they would love it."

"They would love it even more, if music came with it." I teased.

"Soon" He smiled "Very soon."

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